Thursday, April 23, 2009

Journaling - Part III - Just draw it!

The thing I love about "art journaling" is that I don't have to come up with words to describe a moment in time that I want to remember. I was a math major in college and never really had to do much writing so I struggle with it! This entry back in 2006 was just a picture I drew of the "perfect lunch" with my mother-in-law Gale. We were at this charming little cafe called Squeez-In in Truckee near Lake Tahoe and ordered enough veggies for 4 people...and ate all of it. It was such an awesome spread that I had to draw it in my journal. 

Other ideas for your journal:

Draw a map of a place you want to remember. I was on a plane once drawing the below map of the old farm where I used to keep my horse when I was younger. The lady next to me leaned over and commented "you must be writing a children's book" and I think she was puzzled when I told her that it was just a journal entry. Mr. Rea, the farmer, was such a character and the land had been in his family for over a 100 years so there was much to explore. I had so many memories that kept coming to mind as I drew and labeled that I could barely keep up: the broken down tractors everywhere, the secret locked fields, the tree that Hurricane Hugo claimed, the wrecks on the curved road.....I thought I'd post this page for all my friends that grew up at Rea Barn.

Draw the layout of your childhood home. Draw the floorplan of an old house you want to remember.  You will be surprised at what starts triggering your, where you chipped a tooth, the wallpaper color, the fort you had in the attic.....

Draw random pictures from the moment. Flipping through some of my journals I've found the most random drawings: embroidery stitches I wanted to remember, seating charts, the shape of a cookie..... My little 2.5 lb yorkie Diesel loves his little miniature toys. Each one has a name. These are old "friends" of his before we had our daughter Sienna. Now he is only interested in whatever she is playing with.

If you need a new journal check out the charming vintage journals by Robin of The Fancy Lamb! Robin repurposes old books into journals. She even throws in an original book page here and there throughout the journal as a surprise. I love recycling old items into new so these are right up my alley....slight imperfections, character and unique charm. Robin has offered 20% off any journal purchase to Lil Blue Boo readers, so make sure to include "Lil Blue Boo" in the notes to seller! Thanks Robin!


  1. Love these journal entries! Diesel is such a cutie!

    Loving The Fancy Lamb! Great stuff!

  2. Wow, seriously, I always think you can't top the last entry but your journals are mind blowing, I especially love the map. I did an entire series of above ground 'map' paintings years ago, kind of like rural land...I'll have to find some pix one day and share. Lovin it all....

  3. Poor little froggy...he has seen better days...

  4. love LOVE those top 2 pages!!!


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