Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Swamped but just can't stop sewing!

I've got a lot of projects on my plate right now which is exciting but boy am I tired (Sienna was up until 3:00 am last night with a fever and then up at 6:00 am ready to start the day all chipper and energetic!) I've got a couple projects I can't talk about yet (but can't wait to share), and I am also finishing up some new nursery paintings, starting some new samples, working on some mural sketches and waiting to hear back on some faux painting jobs. Phew...I'm already on my 4th Diet Coke of the day and it is only 11:30 am as I write this. If you don't see any posts in the next few days it is because I am scrambling to get things done!

Anyways, I just love making these cute Faith tops by Sew Sensible (see my recent spring sewing post for pattern info)! I love experimenting with different fabric combinations. I can't wait to try some new Heather Bailey prints soon... they are scrumptious. This pink print on the top shown below is from the line Swanky by Chez Moi for Moda Fabrics. This top was made for my friend Lisa's daughter Elle. I threw in some cute little matching shorts too so she wouldn't have to find something to match it. If you haven't checked out Lisa's adorable line of ElleBows you must! I am sure she already has the perfect little bow for Elle to wear with her new outfit.

I am just in love with the cute tied bow in the back.....it also makes the top very adjustable so it keeps growing!


  1. OMG!!!! I absolutely LOVE it!!!! Thank you SO SO much!!!

  2. I just happened upon your blog....I LOOOOVVVE it!!! I think I seriously just spent 45 min. just looking at all your awesome ideas!! I am a huge fan! I will definantly be coming back often! Thanks for all your fantastic ideas!


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