Friday, May 8, 2009


How cute is this Blabla doll? A friend left the doll on our doorstep today for Sienna (thanks Meg!) This is the butterfly Blabla doll.... complete with wings and antennae. 

So of course I had to research where this doll came from and are there others.... I am in love with the whole Blabla kids line! The whole collection is knitted by artists in Peru. I think Sienna needs a couple Boogaloos....


  1. Hi from SITS:) Those dolls are SO cute. Heading over to check out the site now.

  2. I love Blabla!! I bought Elle 2 mobiles for over her crib because I couldn't decide which one I loved more. I ended up putting one over the crib and one over the changing table! I have to have another kid just so I can use these adorable mobiles again!

  3. I've never heard of these dolls. THey are super cute!

  4. Good afternoon from SITS. Cute Doll. Great idea.

  5. What a pretty doll! I want to get Serenity the mermaid one!


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