Friday, August 14, 2009


Our little Diesel.... back from the vet and groomer. He is our 8-year-old grump. He has "CAUTION" stickers all over his file at the vet. Yesterday they made him wear a muzzle....a tiny, itsy-bitsy, 1 inch wide muzzle. 

He is an inch taller than a diet coke can. 


  1. A-Dorable! Too bad he's a grump! I guess when you're that cute you can get away with anything. BTW, I love your blog! Keep up the good work!

  2. He is so cute!@ My Mother has 6 Yorkies I totally understand. They all have different attitudes. lol

  3. He is so cute!@ My Mother has 6 Yorkies I totally understand. They all have different attitudes. lol

  4. OMG he is sooo cute!! I love his name. I bet it suits him well ;)

  5. This post really cracked me up! A teeny tiny yorkie with a teeny tiny muzzle. I bet he makes one hell of a guard dog!

    I have the opposite. A 7 year old 75 pound weimaraner who is a total pampered princess. Supposedly a hunter and a swimmer, she is neither. She hates the heat, the cold, bugs that fly, bugs that crawl and prefers to sunbathe in the kitchen under the table just in case scraps of food from the kids "accidentally" spill on the floor.

    Here is she:

  6. That just made me laugh out loud!!! Aren't dogs the best!

  7. THAT needed a muzzle??? REALLY?
    He is a cutie!

  8. That is so funny! He looks pretty Ferocious!

  9. LOL..he is sooooooo CUTE!!! i want em' parents have a 10 pound yorkie that is a grump r adorable...hope he is doing much better!!!!

  10. I love ur blog so much i have added ur stamp to my blog to share with my friends..ur great at what u do....thanks for the ideas always!

  11. ha!!! My Husband and I are having breakfast and I'm reading your post I start cracking up laughing and he quickly responds, "What's so funny?" I let him read your post and we both just thought it was hilarious. We have a Chocolate Lab and his size compared to your diesel I think is what makes it funnier. You have an adorable Doggy. I will keep him in my prayers. :) Cheers!!

  12. This made me laugh so hard - a dog a little taller than a Diet Coke can that needs a muzzle. !

  13. Thanks for sharing this! My 6 pound chihuahua has the same "warning" & "special handling" stickers COVERING her vet folder. Last year, the vet even added a note in 2-inch-high bold black Sharpie as to which kennels they could put our little chihuahua in & I usually have to go in the back to take her out of those kennels. I'm so glad I'm not the only 1 with a tiny terror!


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