Saturday, August 22, 2009

A few things that make blog commenting easier.....

.....take it or leave it......just suggestions. Hope everyone is having a great weekend!

1. Link up your email to your blog profile! 

Go to your profile page and add your email address and is what mine looks like:

My "comment" settings are such that I get an email notification for every comment. If the commenter's email isn't in their profile, the sender's email address is listed as "no-reply." It makes it easier to reply to comments and answer questions when there is an email address with the comment! 

For example: Sometimes I'll get a question and I go to the commenter's profile and there is no blog listed, no email listed, no way to contact them back. This drives me nuts..... I'm paranoid that they will just think I am rude and ignored their comment. 

I love visiting everyone's blogs too.....but some of you have 3 or 5 blogs and it gets a little overwhelming! You can always link your "primary" blog up as your "website" so you can direct visitors to it. 

2. Remove your word verification. 

I can't even count how many times I have left a comment and as I was closing the window I saw that I still had to complete the word verification......and in a hurry I lost my comment. I don't have word verification, and I don't get any spam. Maybe if I start getting spam I'll rethink this, but for now it makes it easier to comment on my blog!


  1. These are great! I recently removed the word verification on my blog and not it drives me crazy when I go to other blogs and they still have it.

    I think the world is a better place without having to type random words after each comment you leave.

  2. Hey, I am totally commenting on this as I create my other blog that I've been putting off for so long.
    You're my first post. Check it out :)

  3. PS, it's the "i like the way you do" blog.
    And if you're photo scares you as you pop it open, here's your warning. LOL.

  4. Ohhh yes, I know what you mean about the frustrating word verification. Unfortunately, just the other day I was spammed biiiig time and I just can't afford otherwise!

    hehee, and I'm following you, too.

  5. Thanks for the suggestions, I've giving them a try, if it gets too spammy I think I'll just moderate my comments. I have had several friends tell me they wanted to comment, but didn't want to have to "sign up", I'm hoping for a few more comments :)

  6. I have always wondered about the word verification. I assumed it was to protect us from Something - I don't know what though.

  7. Captcha (or however you spell it) is the biggest pain in the butt known to man!

  8. That's true! Thanks for the tips, I already have my e-mail address on my profile, but I'll definetely take out the captcha, I know they're kind of annoying sometimes.
    I have your lovely button in my blog :)
    Have a lovely weekend!
    Boho Market

  9. Love this post. I did not even realize we had these options. Thank you so much for posting this.

  10. And if you do end up with spam problems, you can always still keep off the word verification, but add comment moderation.

  11. Best tips ALL day! I have done every single thing you said!

    PS: Love your blog!

  12. Thank you for this Post.
    I agree!

  13. thanks for sharing! I'm defnitely considering getting rid of my word verification - it is starting to drive me crazy when I leave other's comments so I am sure others the feel the same when they visit me :)

  14. Ashley,

    Thanks so much for the helpful pointers! I had no idea how to get rid of that word verification thing and it drives me crazy! You're the best!


  15. okay, you've convinced me. Word verification will swiftly be removed!

  16. THANK you for posting about the email address. I often want to respond to a question, and there's no contact info. Annoying! :)
    I hate the word verification too and for a year I kept it turned off. But then on 4 different occasions, I had a spammer leave comments on about 17 different posts and I had to go back in and remove them. A pain.
    So now, the words are on :)

  17. well put!! i get so many comments all the time that i can't respond to!


I love comments....they help me figure out what you enjoy reading! I read and appreciate every single one but I receive so much email that it is impossible for me to reply to everyone! Please email me directly if you have a specific question and please leave your email if it isn't published on your profile.... otherwise I don't have the means to contact you!