Friday, August 21, 2009

Little Sister, Big Sister

I made these pillowcases dresses a while back..... and was so surprised to to receive baby Sydney's birth announcement with both sisters (Samantha is the big sister) wearing them! I had to share these photos....I rarely get to see gifts on the children I actually made them for.

Our friends Mike and Jen found out during pregnancy that Sydney had a congenital heart defect that would need surgery or several surgeries right after she was born. Sydney was born on June 19th and a few days after being born, Sydney's parents and the cardiologist decided to do a small procedure to add an artery band to control a condition that sometimes causes too much oxygenated blood to the lungs. It is a temporary fix and the band will allow Sydney to be able to grow a little more so that when she is between 4 months and a year old she can have her ventricle defect repaired. Sydney was released from the ICU and was home with her family on July 4th! She is doing so well! She is a healthy little miracle baby ;) Thanks for the cute photos Jen!  XOXO


  1. I had such a great time dressing up my dolls in your gift. The outfits were an absolute hit with everyone...even down to the girls in the surgens office. Thank you so are truly awesome friends!

  2. Those are some beautiful dresses and OMG those little girls are delicious! Absolutely beautiful....

  3. Such beautiful little girls :-)

  4. I remember your post about these dresses! They look even cuter on!!!

  5. How sweet! The girls and the dresses are adorable. Those are the moments that really make me smile...when someone is enjoying your creation. Congrats! :)

  6. How very beautiful and special. So happy that Miss Sydney is back home where she belongs, tough road through icu as a new mum and bub, sending healthy vibes her way :) beautiful dresses xx Bron

  7. What adorable pictures. I will be sure to pray that all goes well in the coming months for their family. I had a preemie with many problems and thankfully with the prayers from friends and family we were able to bring our little girl home. She will be 5 this year and we are so blessed.

  8. The girls look gorgeous in their matching dresses. Here's hoping Sydney grows big and strong ready for things to come - she sure looks happy to behome with her big sister!

  9. Beautiful little girls! Both of them have such beautiful dark hair - love it!

  10. Darling girls and outfits! I just found your blog and YOU are amazing!


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