Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Fabric shopping today.....

....and Sienna once again terrorized the entire store. I had five minutes where she made a fort in the cart and I covered her in fabric bolts....then that got old and she was across the store again yelling "WHUUUUHT MOMMY......I'M OOVVEER HERE" I just wish I could keep her away from the buttons and ric-rac.....I spend more time re-stocking than I do shopping!

Have you ever seen so many hideous fabrics in one place? They are for one of my new fall patterns. Ok, don't get turned off yet. It is SO cute! The ladies at the cutting table were gagging over my fabric selections until they saw Sienna's outfit and then they were drooling. I can't wait to share it.....and do some giveaways!

My other purchase of the day.....seam rippers. I have never ripped apart so many seams in the matter of a few weeks. I've dulled TWO already! My hands are SO sore.

One of my recycled T patterns is back from my awesome testers. My bloggy friend/tester Nicole (visit her blog full of creations here) had some great suggestions so I am going back to the drawing board for a bit to make sure it is perfect before I put it out there for you......as much as I would LOVE to release it this week. Believe me......after weeks and weeks I am starting to be OVER it ;) 


  1. That's quite a collection of plaids! I look forward to seeing what you're going to do with them.

    I dread seam ripping.

  2. GIRL, you MUST spring for the Delux Seam ripper - WAY more finger/hand friendly...not that it makes it enjoyable or anything, just a smidge easier :)

  3. I can't wait to see what you are going to do with all that plaid...i'm sure it will be fabulous!

  4. Hey! I was at Joann's and Monica's today! We probably crossed paths today :-)

  5. I can't wait to see what you are going to whip up with all that plaid!

  6. Plaid is so in right now. I'm excited to see what you are going to do with it all :)

  7. I am intrigued ... all that plaid fabric... With your creativity though I am absolutely convinced you can make a sack look gorgeous and come up with a fabulous pattern out of it!!!


  8. I hear you about shopping with kids. I often have to take a 3 and 2 year old in with me. I've scared employees out of the fabric section at Hobby Lobby before. Ahhh...deployment memories....

  9. Oh.. not all the plaids look bad! Some would look awesome all by them selves with no extra coolness your gonna add!

  10. I have always detested taking my kiddos with me to the fabric store girl... it would be such a better place if they only had a playland!!! lol

  11. Can't wait to see what your doing with all that plaid!! I know it will be adorable!!

    Wow..Charlotte!! I live in a much smaller town..Gates County, NC Been here all of my life..

    Where is your sisters wedding??


  12. Yeah! Can't wait to see what you make. LOVE seamrippers. Very satisfying.

  13. Oh yes- Lemonade making Momma- I think you are on to something.
    Fabric stores with play areas... I would love it!!!
    Someone needs to open one up- here in Jonesboro!

  14. You are so cool. I am always amazed by the fun things you make. Thanks for sharing!

  15. I agree with Vintage Dutch Girl -- definitely got to get the higher quality seam rippers. I've got 2 of them, can't find either of them at the moment so I've been using the same cheap ones you bought. The nice ones are soooo much better :)

    Oh, and I feel so much better hearing that you rip seams, too ;)

  16. I just bought that scottie dog fabric in pink... ill have to save it and use it on your new creation. Im excited to see it. I just love the recycled tshirt pattern.

  17. Can I just say how grateful I am that you even have photographic evidence that you use/need seam rippers?! I wouldn't have believed it if you had just typed it in. It makes you seem more human. =)


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