Sunday, September 6, 2009

In the desert we "fall" clean....

......because we are cooped up all summer in the 115 degree heat and are ready to spend all winter outside!

Mr. Lil Blue Boo spent the morning up on the roof cleaning skylights.

Boo pouted because she wasn't allowed on the roof with Daddy. She also wasn't feeling so hot.....horrible allergies this time of year. Her dress is made from the t-shirt dye mess.....and actually turned out cuter with the colors that ran. It is part of a new pattern set that went out the past few days for final testing. Stay tuned for the release and giveaway in the next week or so.

But she did get to go swimming. It is so refreshing when the pool water temperature starts to feel less like a hot bath.

Check out the creepy sunset last night.......I think some of it was smoke from the LA fires. There were two layers of clouds.

Hope you all are having a great holiday weekend!


  1. I do my cleaning in the fall too, but for the opposite reason. Here in North Idaho, we are cooped up inside from October to March.. sometimes April, so if my house isn't cleaned and organized before then, I go stir crazy in the long winter months. Good luck! -Kelsee

  2. We have a layer of desert dust too.....Fall cleaning here we come!

    Crazy sunset! So interesting and a bit sci-fi spooky. Are alien crafts hovering in there?

    Enjoy your Holiday weekend too :)

  3. I am so excited for Fall!! I cannot wait for this weather to go away. Love the dress :-)

  4. Oh wow look at where you live! amazing! I love Siennas water cooler too :) we are just coming out of Winter into Spring and hopefully the sun will start shining soon so we can hit the beach 5 mins away!

  5. LOL, I took pics of the sky last night, too and I just downloaded them to post on my blog, too!

  6. oh I can't wait for this pattern the dress is super super cute!

  7. cute dress.
    love the house and the pool, I miss ground pools. you really don't find many of those around here (too much clay on the ground).
    and the sunset. those of S. Cal are the best.
    btw- my brother-in-law has been fighting those fires.

  8. That dress turned out cute!! cant wait for the pattern to come out.

    That sky does look creepy, LOL

  9. I think it's totally interesting to see what other people in the country are doing as opposed to us midwesterners. I forget there is awhile nother "life" down south!
    We are throwing on our sweaters and jeans, getting ready for the cool football game weather and here you are breaking in the pool. I'm TOTALLY jealous.
    Loved your journal pages entry. LOVED it.


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