Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Wow. Holy Cow.

So I am VERY overwhelmed at all the response to my last post. I never imagined it would hit home for so many people! Thank you all for the amazing words of encouragement and sharing your stories as well! I'll try to respond to all of you but it might take a little while!

Ok, so last night I was a little emotional:
1. I was exhausted and overwhelmed from trying to do too many things at once.
2. I had spent 10 hours on a nursery painting only to find out I spelled the name wrong (REALLY WRONG) and cried for about an hour. I can laugh about it now.
3. Diesel has decided the foyer rug is his new bathroom.
4. I got a "not-nice" message from someone.
5. I skipped lunch and I don't have enough fiber in my diet.

These are not life problems. These are inconveniences. I can pay my bills this month, my family is blessed with good health, I don't live in a war zone.

I really want you to know: I replied to the person that sent the not-nice message. She sent back a very thoughtful, humble apology. Maybe she was having a bad day too. It is water under the bridge. Seek to understand. Forgive and forget.

Here is how I feel now: I can understand where she was coming from but it is impossible to claim ownership of a basic technique or design that is everywhere. And thank goodness you can't......because it forces all of us to keep inventing and creating as our new ideas "age" and become "basic" over time.

I'll wanted to use this post to clarify a couple things about my blog and patterns and answer some questions I often get:

Why do I add the copyright info and offer a sewing license for templates and patterns I put on my blog?

To protect them from mass production. How much would it stink to walk into Target one day and see your design on the shelf? I've had several people email me and ask if they needed a license to sew some frogs or owl appliques for a small craft show or a charity auction. Of course not. Go for it. If it is for charity or a good cause even better. It would just be nice to get some credit for creating the pattern.

Why do I add "www.lilblueboo.com" to all the photos of children on my website?

Because there are bad people out there. You've all heard the stories. But I can't shelter my child from everything. If someone takes a photo of my child or another child off my website and posts it in an inappropriate place, someone will notice that it doesn't belong and I have faith that they will contact me. And just so you know....the html code that you think protects your photos? It doesn't....all they have to do is take a screen shot.

Update (by request): To add the "stamp" to my photos I upload them into Photobucket.com, click "edit", go to "add text" and type your website address or blog name. You can do this in Photoshop as well, but if you store your photos on Photobucket I find this the easiest. Let me know if you have trouble doing it.

Are you allowed to sell clothing made from my patterns?

I think it is fantastic if someone wants to try to make some extra income sewing their own creations. The licenses I offer protect my pattern from mass production and also allow the home-sewer to use the "Lil Blue Boo" pattern name in their listing for sizing purposes. I allow you to make and sell up to 5 items before you need to buy a license.....so you can see if they even sell. I don't want to sell you something you won't use. The license fees go towards future pattern development. You have no idea how much printer ink I go through.

Does Lil Blue Boo "give back"?

I love donating time, supplies, and ideas for a good cause. I've donated unlimited patterns to several organizations including most recently Three Angels Haiti for sewing classes so the girls can learn to make items to sell. I can't wait to hear from Shannon how the sewing classes went and to see photos. Most of my dress/hoodie samples sewn for pattern testing will go to Shelter from the Storm in December. My daughter only needs so many clothes. Any clothing that is not sold in my Etsy shop by December 15th will be donated to SFTS as well. If you ever have any other ideas or suggestions please send them my way.

Ok. That is it. Now back to the regular scheduled programming.....sewing, painting et al. I've got a ton of new tutes coming up and the So You Think You Are Crafty contest starts November 2nd with 9 other fabulous ladies......I am always up for some friendly competition!


  1. I think you're amazing. I was going to comment on your last post, but then a minor outburst occurred with both kids at the same time...(sigh). We all know how that goes.

    I love all your creations, tutorials, and patterns. But most of all, most of all...I love your attitude about this. It's so sweet to see such gentleness lived out in the face of a rough situation.

  2. These last two posts have been beautiful, heartfelt and inspiring. Keep staying true to yourself, you're an amazing (and so talented) woman!

  3. BUMMER DEAL! Seriously.....how do you "steal a technique" that's used by SO many people?!? Palease! (so on your side and I don't even know what happened). I think you do fantastic work and am super thankful you SHARE your work with others. Keep on keepin' on!

  4. How fun is the So You Think You Are Crafty contest? Thanks for pointing it out! I will definitely be following it! Good luck!

  5. Very nice post, it shows how thoughtful you are about your work. Your comment about putting your website on all your photos for safety interests me as a fellow parent. Would you be willing to share how to do this with us?

  6. I'm a relatively new follower of your blog and have been enjoying it thoroughly! :) Your past two posts made me feel compelled to comment. I love what you do. I love what you share. I love how you present things. I love how your passion radiates through the blog. Keep doing what you're doing.

    There are many talented, creative, people out there...people are bound to overlap each other. Now with the internet, the ability for people to share their work and gain exposure has ballooned. I have seen terrible, flat out knock-offs of people's work--not okay. But, in the world of creation--we're bound to share/have similar ideas.

    I'm reacquainting myself with sewing and I thought I was so cool coming up with an idea to make a resusable bag out of a t-shirt w/a pocket made from sleeve scraps so the bag could fold into itself as I was falling asleep one night. Duh...am I a rookie or what?! I later found out there's like a gazillion people who've already done this and so much more with t-shirts, etc. ha ha ha!

    Okay...I'm just trying to say...just do from your heart...we can tell it's what you do. Those who love you will follow...those who resonate with others on the internet can go there. The internet is filled with many talented sewers and crafters...but some can come off cliquey, snooty, etc. You come off open, passionate, energetic, & fun! I choose you! :) Thank you for sharing your story with us...and your talent!

  7. You are SO creative and talented... and anyone who has read even a few of your posts will know how incredibly thoughtful and sincere you are. You don't have to justify anything, just keep up the great work Ashley!

  8. It is days like this that make us appreciate the ones that aren't filled with drama.
    God bless. Get some rest.

  9. Sending a hug...
    I loved your thoughts and photos of your grandmother. I LOVE anything old, vintage and the stories that go with them.
    Also, yay for making things right with the nay sayer. Way to be the bigger person and thank you for using this as an outlet. We like to know that you are "normal" too since you're kinda famous. :)

  10. Kudos to you for turning a difficult situation into a positive and for sharing your experience with everyone.

  11. You are amazing... keep up the good work..
    So wish we lived closer - I know I would LEARN so much AND we would could be friends!

  12. I applaud your attitude in this difficult situation. While the internet is a great thing, it also has it's many challenges (information overload). I'll add my encouragement to the other comments and also my thanks for a great tip about embedding your URL into pictures. I have pictures of my kids on my blog, flickr, facebook and other sites and I am worried about their safety. I think I'll go back and add this additional precaution.

  13. You are absolutely amazing....... God has blessed you with a wonderful gift and I am so inspired by your generosity, kindness, craftiness and everything else.........

  14. Ashley, I think you ROCK!! :)


I love comments....they help me figure out what you enjoy reading! I read and appreciate every single one but I receive so much email that it is impossible for me to reply to everyone! Please email me directly if you have a specific question and please leave your email if it isn't published on your profile.... otherwise I don't have the means to contact you!