Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Domo arigato, Lil Miss Roboto....

Singer posted this photo on their facebook page yesterday......remember the Singer/Instructables Kids Craft Contest?

My beanbags won one of the prizes....a sewing machine and an Instructables t-shirt. Thanks everyone that voted! The sewing machine was a nice suprise.....but the robot t-shirt was money!!! Sienna loves robots....so I made the shirt into a dress. Sienna does an outstanding robot dance.....

Today we are off to Charlotte, North Carolina for my sister's week of wedding festivities! So excited! Poor Diesel has to stay behind with the house sitter.

I've got a bunch of stuff set up to post this week......so the blog won't be neglected! Talk to you soon!


  1. That is seriously the cutest dress ever!

  2. Congrats on your great win! And I love the robot dress. Super cute.

  3. Congratulation on winning!! I love the bean bags. Your robot dress is pretty cute too. I like to think I can do a mean robot, but whenever I try to bust it out, my husband stops me. I am sure Sienna is way cuter doing it than me:)

  4. Super cute! Congrats on the win!

  5. congrats to your sis!!! Congrats on winning!!! Have a great time in NC!!!

  6. So cute!!

    Congratulations on your win!

  7. Love the robot dress!

    Have fun at the wedding!!

  8. Love the dress and congrats on winning!

  9. Your bean bags were adorable I voted for you!!

    I wore my t-shirt (I was a runner up for my tooth fairy pillows) for Halloween and I love it! My girls are also huge robot fans but I was a meanie and kept it for myself.

    : )
    pink and green mama

  10. Congrats! That's totally AWESOME. Have a great time in SC. Can't wait to see pics.

  11. wonderful. congratulations. have a great time. love weddings.

  12. Wonderful. Great job. Congratulations.

  13. you're amazing!
    nice to meet'you, at least here, in your blog.
    I ment to follow you.


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