Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Fabric Heaven

While at my sister's wedding, I set aside one morning to visit Mary Jo's in Gastonia, NC. I have loved exploring this place ever since I was a little girl. Mary Jo's is celebrating 58 years this year!

Mary Jo is still there can see her in the below photo (black sweater):

Anybody else been there? If you live nearby it is worth the drive.....the prices are incredible! No tax if you let them ship it to you over state lines!


  1. I think I'm in love! I've never seen such beautiful pictures in my life. The selection, the colours. I MUST go there one day!

  2. Now, if only I could find a place like that near me... My husband would probably never see me again!! lol

  3. oh my gosh, heaven on earth!I could spend a day in a shop like that!!

  4. WOW!!!! That is an amaaaaazing store. I could drop a LOT of money at that place!

  5. this looks better than maud.....project runway

  6. I LOVE THEM!!! I used to live in Charlotte and now we are back in Raleigh and I miss Mary Jos. However, I'll be in Charlotte for Thanksgiving and I already have a plan to stop by Mary Jos.

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  8. WOW!!! I wish I knew about this place when my hubby was stationed in NC! Looks like HEAVEN for sure!

  9. Oooh, I'm going to have to go the next time I'm nearby - thanks for the tip!

  10. WOW! I would love to go there!!

  11. Yes!!! I believe that place would be dangerous for me - love all that fabric goodness!

  12. OH MY GOODNESS! I'm in shock right now! That looks like a little piece of heaven for me :)
    I'm DEFINITELY sending this link to the hubby...maybe he'll take the hint!
    Thanks for sharing!

  13. Holy Fabric Heaven! That place looks awesome!! Isn't it funny what makes a girl's heart skip a beat :)

  14. Wow. I'm crossing my fingers we are in NC someday. I'll start saving up now. :)

  15. OMG. I have never seen a fabric store like this one. seems impossible to choose only few fabrics!

  16. I went to that store last year and HAD A BALL!!! I had SO much fabric to bring back home with me! LOL I hope I can get back there one day soon! LOL

  17. Wow!! I can't even wrap my mind around that much sewing stuff in one room. It would be like going into Powell's Bookstore--maybe even more amazing. You've given me a new goal--find a way to get to Mary Jo's!!! ;-)

  18. Whoo-! I need to visit their website! I'm loving the Chenille isle! =) Loving all the colors, prints... THX for sharing!

  19. That's it...I am moving to NC! That is amazing!

  20. your blog is so fantastic!! I just found it last night and am just loving all the clothes and stuff that you make. you are so creative!!! i try and sew but have really never been taught but you give me so much hope!! i just love all the t shirt dresses too!!

  21. Why, oh why do I have to live in the midwest? That store could lose me for hours!

  22. I am soo drooling right now...all that fabric..and trims...oh my! I wish I were there right now!

  23. I was planning to comment that your sister had beeyootiful weather for her wedding if it was Saturday. We were at an air show in Monroe, NC that day. Mary Jo's is fantastic but can be a little overwhelming for a new sewist like me. Try to go to MJ's on a weekday as Saturdays are jam-packed! I do love to go: the prices, the selection... Can't be beat in the area! So glad you got to go there!

  24. I went to Joann's Fabric for the first time in Sept ..and I was in heaven..

    I live in a small town of 300 people and MILES (1-2hrs)from a fabric store (except walmart!)

    Spent at least an hour drooling over the fabric while my hubby fussed it was BORING and he would wait in the car.

  25. That is seriously heaven!! Too bad I'm on the opposite coast :(

  26. I am in love with this place! Thank you for the eye candy! I am SEW going to check this place out!

  27. Oh my goodness...I want to go to there.

  28. My best friend has gone there with her mama for years. She keeps telling me we need to make a trip there. Thank you so much for the pictures! It will definitely be worth the couple hour drive!!!

  29. Oh. My. Gawd.

    I would get lost and never come out for hours. Probably be a whole weekend before I even made a single selection :)

  30. I remember going there with my mom when I was a kid. I have been twice as a grown-up, lol. I live about 2 hours away from it now. Your pictures show what the store really looks like better than their website. Absolutely amazing store!

  31. so funny. My mother in law goes there every chance she gets. We once took a trip to see my brother in law in Raleigh...she told us the fabric store was on the way, from Knoxville, TN...which it was about a 2 hour detour, but she was a happy lady.

    Why can't one of those be in my area!

  32. I live in Charlotte and I LOVE Mary Jo's! I just have to be careful that I don't overspend.

  33. Well I think that just made all the sewers' hearts go pitter patter!! What gorgeous and delicious photos! I want to go shopping now....

  34. I just drooled on my keyboard. Heavenly!

  35. This comment has been removed by the author.

  36. Mary Jo's is the best fabric store ever!! I went the first time my junior year in high school, when my mom and I started a long history of sewing all my formal dresses. From formal silk prom dresses to concert wear to my beautiful hand-embroidered ivory silk scalloped wedding dress, Mary Jo's has been a big part of many special events in my life! I'm planning a trip soon to buy fabric for home projects! Can't wait!

  37. Ahhhhhh, how I wish I could get lost in there for hours. Those pictures are making me drool!

    That is like Disneyland! I MUST GO!

    Drat. I live in CA.

  39. Ok, I MUST go there someday...MY name is Mary Jo! Both my parents and in-laws live in Virginia...maybe I'll have to drive to NC on one of our trips out there!

  40. That is fabric heaven... I want to go there when I die!

  41. I LOVE, LOVE, Love Mary Jo's! My mom, sister, and I drive up from Florida at least twice a year just to visit that store. Great selection and prices....and we have SO.MUCH.FUN. on our girly getaways! Great post....makes me wish we were leaving tomorrow instead of in January :)

  42.! *drooling*
    It's probably a good thing I'm located so far from that store, as I forsee I would take up permanent residence there! I especially *heart* the notions...oh wait, I *heart* the fabric more! Oh heck, I *heart* it all!!
    My hubby should be so lucky we don't have a store like that here! On a separate note, pics from your sister's wedding are so beautiful! CHEERS!

  43. Very cool! It sounds like you are a very talented person! I heart MaryJo's too!

  44. Ok...did I write this blog? I keep clicking and reading and you seem to be writing what I am thinking, creating, fascinated with, etc... For example. I bought a remnant of this gray butterfly cord fabric that I loved but just couldn't come up with the perfect project for, and bam! I click on a picture of your lovely little girl and there she is in a gorgeous dress with just this fabric! And I made myself and applique tshirt out of the pink skulls fabric for halloween, and a few days later I found your site where you showed how to reverse applique a skull (just like I did) with the exact same fabric! It doesn't end there. About 3 weeks ago, a friend told me about Mary Jo's Cloth Store and today I read that you have been there! It just goes on and on... I am bookmarking this site just to see what I am thinking next!

  45. WOW!!! I would dtotally feel like I had died and gone to "Fabric Heaven", too!!!!!

    Pat B

  46. Oh MAN. I would go NUTSO in that store!

  47. I want to go, I want to go, I want to go.... Why does it have to exist across the country from me?

  48. I really do hope that the real Heaven looks something like that! What an AMAZING store!!!!

  49. gracious sakes alive. that's one huge fabric store!

  50. Wow! Thanks for reminding me about Mary Jo's. I recently lost a very dear friend to cancer. She and I made a slew of dance costumes for dance studios all over the east coast last winter and she always spoke of Mary Jo's. She purchased most of the materials at her store. She always said we would go down together. She said the place was magical!!!

  51. Thank-you so much for featuring Mary Jo's Cloth Store on your blog. We appreciate you dropping by and are happy that you were delighted with your experience. Your photos look great! Looking forward to seeing you again, soon. Can you send in a few photos of your "Mary Jo Cloth" projects. We would love to feature them on the blog.
    Blog Editor,

  52. I absolutely LOVE LOVE oh yeah LOVE Mary Jo's! We live about 20 minutes away and visit often. Well as often as the bank account will allow, LOL!! Thanks for featuring such a great place!

  53. Haha! It's the seamstress' Promised Land!
    I would give anything to have a store like that near here.


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