Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Lil Blue Boo on TV!

Lil Blue Boo was on the local KPSP news this morning! I woke up at 4am to head down to the news studio to talk about my blog and how moms and families can save money by being creative! I'm so glad McDonald's was open....I was worried I wouldn't be able to get my biscuit and diet coke beforehand. Waiting for my 6:23 am slot was slightly comical at times...I've never been in a news studio...at one point I was admonished for standing in the background while they were filming a segment and then I went to the restroom and got stuck on the other side of the camera not knowing where to go.

Here is Stella (the morning news anchor) telling the audience about the 99 cent placemat clutch. .....it was a hit among the staff:

Showing how t-shirts can be made into simple "t-shirt pants" and "t-shirt skirts":

Showing some of my Lil Blue Boo dresses made from recycled knits:

It was a short segment and afterwards I couldn't even tell you what I said. As soon as I got in my car I had calls and texts from all my supportive friends and family who had woken up WAY early just to watch! My husband said that Sienna cried when she saw me on TV.....my sentimental child. I came home and watched the whole segment with my hands covering my eyes.....I wasn't as bad as I thought I'd be!

Thanks Stella, Ria and KPSP for featuring me!


  1. Congratulations to you. That's awesome!!! :)

  2. Yay! It was so much fun to watch!!

  3. That is awesome! What a fun experience! Congrats!

  4. AMAZING! Can't wait to watch it! CONGRATS, Superstar!

  5. I'm so proud of you - yeah! Congratulations! xo

  6. WOOOOOOWWW I am soo can`t wait to see it. I hope they post a video or something because I can`t see it on TV ! ASHLEY CONGRATS! Such a success!

  7. You rocked it and we all watched it together at my house. Finley said said "Mummy, they're talking about Sienna!!" and Patrick was like "That's a placemat??" Congratulations!!! And thx for the HC plug :))xoxox

  8. That is sooo cool...congrats!!! I can't wait to see the clip!

  9. this is awesome! looks like you did a great job:)

  10. Just a blog stalker that wanted to say, WAY TO GO! I love your site and all the inspiration you generously give. Here's to a big 2010!!- Karen

  11. So exciting!!! Congratulations!!! :D

  12. Way to go Ashley.......Can't wait to see it....

  13. ...so you're a blog STAR! and now soon to be a tv STAR....whippee yeah...kool..go girl go...
    (we loved you b4 and now even more, cause more ppl will see & learn so much from you)


  14. haha. Ashley, you look GREAT! CONGRATS on being on TV. So. Totally. Cool. You deserve the spotlight! Can't wait to see the clip!

  15. Oh my goodness! Seriously?? That is completely amazing! You're famous! :o)

  16. Congrats! That's awesome. Can't wait for you to link it so I can see it. Hey I just posted a tutorial on how to make felt candy hearts. To check it out go to miamoodesigns.blogspot.com
    Is it too soon to be thinking about Valentine's Day? LOL!

  17. wow! that's great! congratulations ashley! :)

  18. That's fabulous news, and you so deserve it. You are one of the most talented and industrious bloggers I know! I only wish my 19 yr old daughter was still little so I could try out some of your brilliant designs for kids. Well done you.

  19. you deserve all these 100%. remember us when you are famous! congrats, ashley ..... so happy for you.

  20. fun! that looks amazing, I'm sure you did an awesome job!

  21. Way to go sweetie!!!! proud of you up here in Vancouver

  22. Congrats! You are a very talented woman.

  23. So cool! Post a link to the segment if you can.... so us Mid-westerners can see it!

  24. That is awesome! I bet you were amazing!!!! You deserve all the recognition for your talents and kindness.

  25. Good for you Ashley! Congrats! Seriously, that creative mind of yours definitely needs to be shared! You are one talented mama!

  26. haha!!! a certain email convo comes to mind about some other people leaving you in the dust...uh who's leaving who in the dust NOW woman?!!! way to gooooooo!!!!! ;) -V

  27. WoooHOOO!! That is AWESOME! The the World needs to know how creative you are. Look out Martha!

  28. Congratulations!!! What a fabulous opportunity! I"m sure you did a super job. :)

  29. AWESOME! NOw your a reality t.v. star! Good people deserve good things;}

  30. Hi all! just wanted to let you all know that if you missed it it is now up for viewing on the CBS 2 website,

    yay Ashley!!!

  31. Yo go! That is awesome and you (and your creations!) look fantastic on tv!!!

  32. How cool is that!!!!

    I hope you can post a little video of it. I'd love to see it!

  33. SHUT UP. I love it. Good job and I hope it gets you tons of exposure. You deserve it.

  34. HOW cool for you! Congrats! Your HUGE, Primetime baby! I wanna see video! =) I would be super excited & most likely sweating if I ever had the chance! haha

  35. I really want to see the video! Despite all of my attempts, I cannot get the right video to play. Could you post the direct link?

  36. I really want to see the video! Despite all of my attempts, I cannot get the right video to play. Could you post the direct link?

  37. Stella today. Oprah tomorrow. I have high hopes for you, Ashley :)

  38. Congratulations!! That is wonderful news!! How fun!

  39. Congrats to you. You deserve it. Your ideas are fabulous. thank you.

  40. HOW EXCITING!!!!! I think I'm going to spend a lot of time on your blog. I'm REALLY wanting to start making dresses and stuff for my daughter and I just never know really where to start.

  41. Congrats! Isn't it funny how you have no idea what you said when you are on tv? At my job (before I left to stay home with the kidlets) I used to film their commercials. I worked for animal control and would do a "featured pet" segment. It would repeat on a few stations, it was horrible! I mean, yay for showcasing animals in need of homes, but I was awful! I would run though what I had practiced, however, I'm pretty sure I just said whatever popped into my head. I'm glad your tv spot went better than mine, altough I'm sure it couldn't have gone worse :)

  42. Wow! I'm SO HAPPY for you! Congrats!


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