Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Sundress Showcase....Updated!

Christie over at Secret Stitch Club sent me a link with the dress she made! Thanks Christi! I LOVE the use of the purple flower!

Candace made this red, white and blue dress for the Fourth of July! You can see the other cute photos at her blog!

Photo from Sparkle Power

Brandi sent me this link at her blog My Mountain Morning with her cute version of the dress below:

Photo from My Mountain Morning

Stacy made this dress that doubles as a shirt for her older daughter!

Photos from With Great Joy

Here is Stéphanie's dress! I don't know any French so I can't read her post but I LOVE the little detail she put on the back!

Photo from R. Connection

Send me photos of your finished dresses and I'll add them to this post and link back to you! I love to see finished projects and sharing all the different fabric combinations with other readers!


  1. That was really fast! Is it that easy that you can whip it out in a day?

    Beautiful picture!

  2. Wow! What a beautiful little girl and the dress is adorable! Ok, I really need to get over to Joann's to pick up some fabric so I can attempt this.

  3. Okay I really need to get on this! Maybe next week... I can't seem to find the time for these things lately which is so very unlike me! Summer is supposed to be restful and not busy at all right? (grin)

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. Oh! Those are Saltwater Sandals! Great for the Summer since the leather doesn't get messed up when it gets wet! They are very comfortable and the colors are vibrant! I have several colors for Serenity - LOVE them!

  6. Yes, you can certainly add my picture! I loved seeing the different versions of this dress...they all turned out so, so cute! I can't wait to get started on another one!


  7. I LOVED this tutorial! I made one for my daughter yesterday and it turned out SUPER cute! Thankyou!!!


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