Thursday, June 18, 2009

The Underwear Box

We've spent the last few months casually potty training Sienna. She's been REALLY great if I let her just run around the house naked, but she hasn't had much interest in wearing underwear. 

I told her on Tuesday: No more diapers. Well, that didn't go over so well because she didn't want to wear "big girl" underwear....and I can't take her out in public without pants on!

Now she's potty trained! So what happened since beginning of the week? Here is what worked for us! I made this pretty little box and we call it her "underwear box." It holds all of her underwear and she gets to pick out which pair she wants to wear in the morning and after nap time . 

I can't believe how excited she is to pick out a pair of is hilarious. I know everyone's kids are different, but thought I'd pass the idea along for those of you who are in potty training stage!


  1. I love that! Our daughter was toilet-trained at 25 months and I feel a lot of it was the wide selection of panties that I provided. Now, she agonizes over which ones to wear.

  2. I did the same thing with my son! It is amazing how exctited he gets to choose his undies!

  3. You are too cute with your little handmade underwear box! love it!

  4. just stumbled upon your blog through Joy's Hope blog and *love* this idea! starting tomorrow, we are doing no more diapers for our's all big girl underwear. I love the idea of letting her pick out a pair. timely advice! thanks.

  5. How cute! I have a 2 year old named Sienna too. She also gets excited picking out her underwear:)

  6. Too cute! We're getting close to big boy underwear, too. He's excited about them, but not enough to use the potty yet!

  7. What a great idea!! :)

    Came over from SITS

  8. I'm glad we're on the same wrapping paper wavelength! And you're right....some of it is so tacky and a waste of money :)

  9. What a great idea! How exciting for her, not to mention motivating!

  10. How cute is that, and look at those blondes curlz. TOO CUTE! popping in from SITS!

  11. How cute! I made my Mia a "big girl potty box" when I was trying to potty train her. I individually wrapped little pool toys for her to open whenever she'd go peepee in the potty. It worked great! Love the underwear box though!

  12. Cute! McKenna is getting ready to Potty Train,, and I have the perfect box for her! I got Stan done in a week so heres to hoping that we get her done in a week too :P.


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