Thursday, July 23, 2009

Cupcake Applique Shirt and Matching Skirt

This is a gift for a friend's daughter who turns 2-years-old today! Sienna and I are off to a fairy tea party to celebrate.

I made the applique shirt with mini cupcake, tiny polka dot and sprinkle fabric. The cherry is a red button. (I'm loving the sprinkle says it is exclusively made for Joann's if you want some!) I used DMC thread to stitch around the icing layer and the sprinkle layer.

I love this blue mini cupcake fabric by Makower....each pastry has little gold accents.

Update: I had a few requests for my fabric source for this fabric....I got it at Mary Jo's last summer when I was in NC. If you want to find it, google "Makower Party Time Cupcake Blue" .....a few links came up including this one at Creative Quilts Kits. Check Ebay too. Also, the small brown polka dot (that perfectly accents the brown and white cupcakes) is from Robert Kaufman's Pimatex Basics line.

Here is the template I made for the cupcake layers (I know it is simple.... but it might save you some time).
*Copyright © 2009 by Ashley Hackshaw. All rights reserved. This applique is for personal and home use only. A limited commercial license may be purchased for limited production. Please email me at ashley (at) for more information. Thank you for respecting my copyright!

I didn't use a pattern for the skirt. Just a few rectangles. It is for a size 2T and is slightly short so add some length to each if you like them longer.

Main skirt piece: cut 2 rectangles 8" x 16"
Bottom border piece: cut 2 rectangles 4" x 16"

I like to use a disappearing pen to draw a line to help me iron. I drew the first line 3/4" from the top of the main piece and the second line 2" down from that one. Fold your edge to the first line, iron, and then fold again to the second line.....

.....and iron. This results in a 1" casing for your waistband.

I took the border pieces and pinned them to the bottom of the larger rectangles (right sides together).

Then I sewed these pieces together (use 1/2" seam so there is enough fabric to topstitch later) and finished the edges.

Open up the skirt pieces and iron the seam upward toward the top of the skirt. Place both skirt pieces right sides together and pin the sides together.

Fold the bottom of the skirt up 1/4", twice, to form a hem.

Refold the waistband down using the folds you have already ironed.

Topstitch the skirt where the main skirt piece meets the bottom border (about an 1/8" above the border). You will be sewing over the 1/2" seam you ironed upward earlier. This is a decorative stitch but also stabilizes the skirt where the two fabrics meet. You can also need to sew the hem at this point.

Sew the waistband and leave 1" for the elastic to be threaded through. Top stitch 1/8" around the top of the band as well to stabilize the waistband and for decorative purposes.

Thread the elastic through and sew the 1" gap shut.... you are done!

On another note....where did my child get this hair?! Her outfit doesn't look very "tea partyish" but she runs from me every time she sees me holding the cute little tutu I mother, like daughter.


  1. That is the CUTEST gift ever! Can't wait until I get a sewing machine so I can try fun things like this :) Your daughter is a MODEL and I want to steal her cute and crazy hair! ADORABLE!

  2. I love it!! I am going to make one for my god-daughter!!!! where did you get the cupcake fabric???

  3. first of all, great project, second of all your little girl is soooo cute! her hair is amazing.

  4. How adorable! Do you have a link for the cupcake fabric?

  5. Thank you for the cupcake applique!! The outfit is DARLING!!!

  6. That is like my daughter's hair in the morning! A joy to comb through!!!! I am linking to your cupcake outfit at CUTE CUTE, CUTE

  7. What a cute set, I love it! I'll be linking.

  8. Hi~ I love this outfit. You do such nice work, I love that you give all the information needed to make the outfit.
    I want to make this for my grandchild
    she would love this, I think I would like to make a night shirt out of this to~ so cute! Thank you for inspiring me

  9. How adorable!! Thank you for the tutorial. My daughter turns 2 in October and it'd be great to make her a little birthday outfit!

    Your daughter's hair is wildly cute!! :)

  10. So sweet!!! I posted a link to your tutorial on Craft Gossip Sewing:

  11. Great combination of colours and cute application!

  12. Cute skirt !!!

    I wanted to try the applique but didn't have time today.

    Your measurements made the skirt about 2-3 inches too short for my daughter ;)

    But it still turned out cute and I will try to make another one later and add a few inches onto the main body of the skirt !

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Can't wait to make this, my 2nd child McKenna turns 2 soon and my 3rd Child Evy turns 1 this summer. I can't wait to start making birthday skirts. Now I need to start thinking of things to make my 3 y/o son....poor Stanley.

  15. I just posted a link to this tutorial on my blog along with two skirts I made with your directions. They turned out so cute. Thank you for sharing so much inspiration on your blog. I love it and visit often.

  16. Wow, great tutorial. I finished twins outfits yesterday, so excited to give them as gifts. Posted pictures and a link on my blog. Thanks so much for sharing!

  17. oh this tutorial is so tempting... but I want to sew the skirt to the t-shirt... wonder if I can do that? I'm new to sewing and just want to try different things! I made a v-day little owl applique like t-shirt for my daughter and she LOVES skirts and thought about attaching the two... hmmmm...


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