Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Is there anything more pathetic looking.....

.....than our 8-year old, balding, 2.5 pound, grumpy yorkie Diesel after a bath? Poor little guy.

Okay, maybe the bee costume is more pathetic. Sienna kept telling him to "fly, fly Diesel" and I got worried that she would toss him off the counter.....

You might remember when I was asking for prayers back in April because we thought we were going to lose him? Diesel has been doing much better so thank you! He is still getting his teeth cleaned monthly (I, of course, haven't been to a dentist in years), eating a homeopathic diet (with ketchup) and fighting with his sister Sienna (Diesel is winning). He's starting to lose all his hair so he could probably use some more prayers ;) 


  1. Awww.... poor little guy! I will totally say a prayer for Diesel. Our "first born" is a four legged hairy child too ;o).

  2. oh, Diesel is such a cute little guy even though he is losing his hair! saying a little prayer for D tonight!

  3. Oh, what a little cutie...
    Your girl too!

    It's my first time visiting you and I really enjoy your blog!

    Just stopping by from SITS wishing you a very Happy Wednesday!

    P.S. I'm giving away a subscription to House Beautiful on my blog www.sweeterliving.blogspot.com

  4. aww, poor Diesel! I'm sending positive thoughts his way! We also have a Yorkie (besides having a 2 yr old daughter named Sienna in common!), he's 10 and has issues of his own! He's about 13 lbs and had to get 4 teeth pulled out earlier this year!

  5. I have a little Yorkie so I know they can be a handful to take care of!

    Love his little heart, he's a doll! I'll send up prayers for him! :)

  6. Aw we gotta visit Diesel again soon, Finley would crack up if she ever saw him in the Bee costume!! We love you D!!

  7. Ha! That's too funny. The balding AND the bee both cracked me up. I love him.


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