Thursday, August 13, 2009

FOR SALE: Very large skeleton painting.....

....okay, not really. Well, maybe. Are you interested?

I pulled this out from storage today. It was part of a series I painted in college.

My mother's reaction at the show: should I be worried? should we put you on Prozac?

My reaction: i'm already on Prozac mom, they give it to everyone.

Sienna calls it "the dinosaur."



  1. Love it!! It would be great to hang up in an entryway around halloween if you don't want it up year round. I did a bunch of anatomy studies and pregnant women paintings in my senior show in college -- it started a campus rumor that I was pregnant at the time!! : )

  2. Ooh, I love it! Just enough macabre to make it intriguing, but not put-offish. I love the colors you used.

  3. You know what? As creepy as it looks, I'd have to say ... WOW! That is a solid piece of art work there, Ms. Ashley!

  4. oh, I like it!!!

    maybe i can borrow it for elle's Halloween themed birthday party, haha.

  5. you are so funny - It's actually very good - but its totally creepy, where would I hang this?

  6. I think it is awesome!! great job!

  7. Thanks for visiting my blog. Have a great day. I think the skeleton has lots of character.

  8. "Should we put you on prozac?"
    HE he he!

  9. Since I'm studying to be a mortician, you could understand why I LOVE the painting!!

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. would blend well in my clinic...:)


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