Monday, August 3, 2009

What is the most random thing.....'ve ever decorated with? The item that other people just don't seem to understand.....but you just love it? Mine is this old framed vintage framed portrait I found in an antique store for $30 (Brett thinks I paid to much). It hangs in our master bathroom.

My husband thinks it is a little creepy. I'll admit that sometimes late at night I think the children's eyes move....

The molding on the frame is falling off and cracking, but I think it adds character. I think I bought it mostly because I was sad that a family portrait was "lost" and for sale in an antique shop.

I like to imagine the grand house this family portrait once hung in!

Well, that is all for today. My house looks like a craft tornado came through. And I've got to come up with something to cook for dinner....


  1. that's a really cool frame girl!

    I have this old crock that belonged to my grandmother and it's cracked and I love it. It even has a bit of masking tape with my grandma's name written on it. I have no idea what she used it for and I really wished I knew. She would have needed her name on it for a reason- like if she was using it to bring something somewhere and wanted it back. Who knows, but I love it and hope it never breaks.

  2. There is an old chandelier that is hanging in our formal dining room that we restored. It was given to us by a friend and it was really, really old and in bad shape. It was rusted and the paint was peeling off. It took a while to prettie-fy it up and now we love it! You can see it here on my blog:

  3. Mine is a 14" tall wooden bunny whose outfits change throughout the season. "Random" is the only title it could qualify for!!

    You can see it here:

  4. I'm glad i'm not the only 1 that LOVES their creepy, not even members of your own family, OLD picture that hangs in their house! My husband won't even go in the room where mine is hanging (my sewing room).

  5. My uncle used to design interiors for a local pizza joint about 20 years ago, and they had these pierrot characters, basically dolls that look like sad mimes. They creep out everyone, but they make me smile...every time I look at them I think of my favorite uncle!

    I just landed on your blog and I love it...I started following immediately. Thanks for all of the great inspiration!


  6. It always makes me sad to see those antique photos in a resale shop. It feels like anyone who would have known them is gone - the family died out. I still remember seeing a portrait of the most beautiful, angelic baby . . . it made me sad to know that no one remembered who she was well enough to keep her.

  7. I love it! It seems to fit just right.

  8. i have a vintage print in my bedroom as well, the frame is doing the same thing as yours, but i love it anyway!

  9. I love the picture!

    I have a horse trough for a coffee table in my living room.


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