Friday, September 18, 2009

In the weeds....

I'm in the weeds. I love using that phrase. I used it all the time back in my investment banking days. I've got a local boutique show "Artisans & Commodities" in a few days. But here is where I am Lil Blue Boo blog has become a place where my painting, sewing, crafting, Lil Golf Girl, homemaking, journaling can come together. Outside of the blog world though it is hard to pinpoint what I I a painter? am I a crafter? am I a pattern maker? What am I? How do I reconcile all of it into one? What do I take to a boutique? How about everything!

All day I've been:

....putting tags onto Lil Golf Girl shirts....

....putting tags on nursery art....

....pulling out different portraits, nursery paintings to show examples of commissioned work....

.....sending patterns off to my rockin' printer Plan-It Reprographics to be printed and bound....

....pulling out signage to make sure it hasn't been crushed in storage....

Look at these great t-shirt colors I found today. Now all I want to do is some sewing.

So that is it for today. Sorry, not much new to share. Now I've got to take a break....and start getting dinner ready. My sister and fiance are still visiting. I'm off to pick up Sienna and get groceries for fish tacos! Yum!

Have a wonderful Friday night!


  1. I'm just a phone call away if you need some help!

  2. I think for your business card it should just say "Maverick" as your title ;)
    Seriously though, you do a bunch of stuff related to be creative and there is no title for it, but you do it, and you do it well!!! Looks like you have everything under control :)

  3. Everything is looking great! I often use the word 'eclectic' for what I do, sort of covers everything.
    Good luck with the show and have fun.

    by the way, those patterns are so cute!

  4. I'm chiming in with Lisa, just email me if you need help! :)

  5. You're doing great,girl! You better get some rest in there somewhere.

  6. OH, I like the T-shirt colors. Bright, but not overwhelming. I can't wait to see what you manage with those.

  7. you go girl...wish i could come to the show!

  8. You are amazing and so talented. I don't know how you do it all. That nursery art is beautiful!

  9. You amaze me!!! Do you wear a cape {super creative mom}? I think you should :)

  10. I love that Dr. Suess quote! Awesome. I need to fly out your way for a craft partay!

  11. I have to start tagging and I am dreading it! Your stuff is sooooo cute!

  12. Mixed Media Artist? Your art does come in all sorts of mediums.

  13. Your title is simple. Creative Genius. You can print your business cards, now. :)


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