Sunday, September 6, 2009

You is talking loco and I like it.

Can you guess the movie?

I was looking for some journal pages to share tonight and it hit me.....I'm kinda random. All over the place. Maybe it has to do with my ADHD. Oh, and Zoolander is the movie the quote was from. I'm wondering if a person can be so random that they become non-random? How does my OCD fit into that?

Anyways, below are a few pages I picked out and some quotes that were intermingled.....I wanted to share because so many people get hung up on journaling because they don't want to "mess up" or they want to be consistent. Just decide that "anything goes"....and you won't be paralyzed. Just say "I meant to do that."

Ok, I'll stop are the pages:

I have a thing for Sylvia Plath.... maybe because my great-grandmother took her life the same way Plath did. I read and reread her unabridged journals when I can't sleep. I created the page below around a random journal entry Plath wrote about being tall....I'm 5'11" and I thought she described the "hip slouch" perfectly....I used to do that when I was younger.....before I appreciated my height.

"He was the type of fellow I can't stand. I'm five foot ten in my stocking feet, and when I am with little men I stoop over a bit and slouch my hips, one up and one down, so that I'll look shorter, and I feel gawky and morbid as somebody in a side show." - Sylvia Plath in Unabridged Journals of Sylvia Plath

The page below was just a paint palette I was trying to figure out. Why not put it in your journal, right?

"For years I struggled with who I wasn't. But seeing and believing in who I truly am has given me an unstoppable faith and conviction in what I can do with my life."
- Sabrina Ward Harrison

"If you are going to send your thoughts in an email again, please attach an Advil with it."
-a managing director at my old investment banking job

For a while I was experimenting with mailing labels. I printed out a picture of Marilyn Monroe and stuck the labels onto some image transfers I botched (or as I have called them since Kindergarten art class: a "happy mistakes"). Any-hoo, I love how the labels break up the picture.

Memories from a Dolly Parton concert my sister and I went to. We had to drive through an ice storm to get there. I love Dolly. Ever use a bleach "stain" pen to write on a photo? Try it. That is how I drew the flowers and dots onto the photo pasted on the page.....

"How very." -from the movie Heathers

"I'm fine. I just threw up in my mouth a bit."
-from the movie Dodgeball (I have a thing for Ben Stiller movies)

I worked on this page on a flight back in my investment banking days. Great quote. I always use it when a friend is down on themselves for doing something stupid. Medium: crayons and Sharpie markers.

Lyrics from the song Burn it Blue, sung by Lila Downs in the movie Frida. The words are stamped onto a collage I made from rice paper and a skeleton photo. Don't worry Mom, I'm in a good place!

I used to get my car serviced at this great auto shop in NC. The guys were so honest and could fix anything. They had these great big white birds. The photos were taken with my izone Polaroid camera and I borrowed the receptionist's stapler to attach them to the page.

A flu diary (did you expect me to actually write more than this when I had the flu??)

The page below is an excerpt from two pages I did after our dear friends' wedding & rehearsal dinner. I didn't want to post their personal information so I cropped most of it. I photocopied the two full pages and gave it to them a few years ago and now it hangs framed on their now it is a permanent plaque for everyone to see just how much I drank that night (no lectures please, I am aware that it was too much) ;)

A dinner to remember and some awesome info on two-way mirrors:

So my journals are totally random, you never know what you'll get from page to page. But it keeps it interesting right? And I feel no pressure to stick to a script.....have I scared anyone off yet?


  1. hehe It actually makes quite a bit of sense....wait......ok now I'm scared.

    I enjoyed this post, Ashley.
    some of the quotes especially.

  2. Wow Ashley - your journal really allows us to see that creative mind of yours! I was totally inspired by your art journal book - I hope to make one myself - but it won't be as interesting as yours!

    Love it.

  3. I'm not scared...I think it's cool.

    Well, the skeleton scares me a little...

  4. lol! i toootally knew that quote as soon as i read the title. "i'm not an ambi-turner"... classic. i'm also a dodgeball fan! i knew i liked you :)

  5. btw this was a fun post. i like seeing inside your random journal :)

  6. I think journals are supposed to be random, life is random so therefor the journal will be too. I used to keep a dream journal that I wrote in right when I woke up. I cant do it now with all my kids waking me constantly from a deep sleep but it is fun to go back and read through all the old ones. Thanks for sharing!!

  7. Your journals are very neat. It makes me want to start keeping one!

  8. Love this post! Thanks for MORE journal inspiration. You've told me that quote before about interesting people when I was in a funk! I like it :)

  9. Very inspiring. I love it...this is what I need to get in gear and do!

  10. That post made me so happy! Creative people are the best...just don't cut your own ear off. not cool.

  11. Love Sylvia.
    Also,love Heathers.

  12. How did I end up here???
    I am totally digging the Marilyn mailing labels. I could see that being a really fun thin to mix and match...color and!
    Your cool.


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