Thursday, October 29, 2009

A Big Day

Today was Sienna's FIRST was a pretty big deal. It hasn't been touched in 2.5 years! Daddy met us at the Trio salon for moral support.

Right before he arrived I snapped this photo of her in the boutique portion of Trio: "HEY....look at my new underwear" is the quote of the day. I didn't post the one of her mooning the mirror. I never mind waiting at Trio because I love browsing the clothes.....especially the children's clothes.

Playing on the round pink sofa. Dress is made from an old t-shirt: Geek IS the new chic! and some knit material from Chez Ami (who is having a rockin' sale right now!)

Our friend Tara has been ready to cut Sienna's hair since she was a week old.....

.....and 2.5 years later I let her cut half an inch off!

Even Sienna's godfather Derek stopped by to discuss the cut and style (he saw us through the window on his way to a meeting.....I love living in a small town).

What toddler doesn't want her hair blown out for the first time?

Who is this child with the long luscious locks?

Sienna admiring herself in the mirror.

Oh, yeah.....I was there too.

Sienna's favorite part was playing "assistant" and helping Tara wash Daddy's hair.

Thanks Tara!


  1. Bellissimo, Sienna ist beautifull with this hair...
    Saluti, Davida

    _____ __@@___________@@__________@@

  2. Your Sienna is so SO so cute! :) Her hair looks awesome!

  3. love her hair...i wish my almost 2.5 year olds had that long of year...oh, i want them to have long beautiful hair!

  4. She looks so adorable checking her self out in the mirror! haha- love that! And look at that gorgeous long hair. She is a doll!

    ps- i've been following your blog for a while now and i just love it. Thanks!

  5. How sweet!!

    I scored a gr8 looking tshirt at the thrift store today and am making my first tshirt dress for my little girl after some inspiration from your blog! I hope it turns out 1/2 as cute as the ones you make.

  6. She does have such beautiful hair! I keep hoping my daughter's hair will grow one day :)

  7. Oh, I have serious hair envy of her hair! It is so cute, and so is she. Great photos.

  8. She has awesome hair for a 2 1/2 year!!! Has she always had that much hair?

  9. If I had a little girl, I don't think I'd cut her hair until kindergarten!!

    Both of my boys had their first (of many!!) haircuts at 7 months...those days were heartbreaking for me.

    I love that she got her first blow-out, how glamorous!

  10. like the new look, but I am biased towards the curls. My little A has curls and I love them! I can't wait for her hair to get as long as Sienna's and have he go through a real first hair cut (I trimmed her bangs before- now I'm letting them grow out).

    Anyway, It is so odd to hear of a small town feel in So Ca. Glad to hear there are actually some. lol (hey I was born there and grew up there, so I'm aloud to make fun. lol)

  11. Can she BE any cuter??? She is just adorable!!

  12. Oh she is such a doll! The hair is cute curly or straight! What a lucky lucky girl.

  13. What a wonderful photo set! Small towns are great aren't they?!

  14. Wow, how did it stay so healthy without a trim for so long? Mia swims year round so I trim it up a bit whenever it starts getting dried out. She got her first haircut at 6 months, LOL! Sienna's hair is beautiful.

  15. Her hair looks almost exactly the same as my Maci Clare. I just can't stand the thought of getting it cut. I did straighten it with a flat iron one day. Boy, did she think she was something. Sierra looks beautiful.

  16. you have a very lucky daughter with beautiful hair!


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