Monday, October 19, 2009

Generations - Beauty

My hoodie pattern was released today.....and I've spent 50% of what should have been a productive happy day dealing with "original designer"/blog drama in the background. So, I thought I'd write about where my inspiration DOES come from.....and it will let me introduce you to the grandmother I have not yet written about!

I am aware that there are many other clothing designers out there that use recycled clothing for their one-of-a-kind creations. I've never come across any patterns helping the home-sewer to do it themselves. If they exist please let me know, because it would be great to exchange ideas with them! So many people are scared of knits and I can understand why....when I first started sewing knits it was a disaster. But I kept at it and I figured out ways around all the frustrating problems that sewers (especially beginner) run into on a regular machine.

All of my patterns are very basic and encourage you to take liberty with customization. I can't for the life of me read a regular pattern....I've never had any formal sewing instruction or design education....and for some reason this makes my patterns unique. Every pattern has been hand-drawn from scratch, tested, revised, hand-drawn, tested, revised....dozens of times....and then there is the tedious process of converting it into a computer drawing (don't even get me started). The first drafts are disasters. Just ask my friend Karin whose son tried on the first hoodie......his poor arms were stuck in a skinny-sleeve-mess. Believe me it would have been much easier to copy someone else's pattern. I am always the first to give credit where credit is due because I would want someone else to do the same for me. What goes around comes around. But then there are things like pillowcase dresses, a white t-shirt, ruffle pants, burp cloths, t-shirt pants....who do you give credit to? Who was the first? Where did they come from? What do you do when your work includes the most basic of styles?

Everyone draws their inspiration from different places. In the words of my wise friend Shari: Nothing in art is new; we are inspired by everything around us; and we need to respect each other's right to individual expression and creation.

I draw inspiration from my grandmother, Beauty. I love this photo of her as a young child:

My grandfather was a firefighter in Washington, DC. When my mother was a young girl, he was in a horrific fire that seared his lungs and they gave him 4 months to live. He moved the family out to the Potomac river. It was difficult to make ends meet but my grandparents ended up taking in 3 foster children in addition to their own children, my mother and uncle. To clothe the entire family my grandmother took in second hand clothes and re-purposed them into unique one-of-a-kind clothing. I can't imagine what it took to do that. My grandmother never even learned to drive.... I really take my impromptu trips to the fabric store for granted.

Here are my mother and Uncle in some "repurposed" outfits in May of 1960:

So, sorry for the long post....but it is something I felt I needed to write about. Unfortunately, the blog world can be fickle sometimes. I've had weird things happen like thinking someone stole my idea but then I discovered we actually posted the idea 2 days apart and she posted before me.....and so then I worried that she might think I stole her idea! I actually emailed this person about it a few months back (because I'm weird and get anxiety about not giving someone credit for something) and we came to the conclusion that maybe we were the "same" person in alternate universes. As I wrote in my interview today over at Brixton Life.....I've come to be okay that when I post something on the internet it really isn't mine take my ideas, take them all, I give them freely, no regrets, happy to do it ;)

Oh, and my grandfather ended up living long enough to see his granddaughter born: me!

This post is for all my readers and customers who are so supportive. Thank you.


  1. Hey girl! You are awesome and real! This sucks! I do blog design and was accused of stealing "public code" that anyone can get from thousands of sites all over the internet! I knew I didn't do it but it just weighs down your heart! SO I feel for you!

    Thanks for being transparent and for being so sweet and so inspirational! I admire you for your work and now for your sweet heart! Keep blogging, keep are an inspiration as a wife, mom, AND artist!

  2. Ugh! I REALLY hate when people take time to be so rude! I have had people make rude comments to me... I call them out on my blog. I am mean. Sorry. ;) I just don't think these people should get away with what is sometimes vile comments. It does affect us.
    I also hate when people are accused of stealing designs. I know there are people out there that actually do steal people's designs, but not everyone does, and to actually contact you and tell you that you stole a design and be so rude that you might lose sleep? Ridiculous! I can't believe how rude people can be. I say Get a life to that person!

    You do amazing work, you are an inspiration to all sewing moms! Keep on keepin on girlfriend!

    Much love!


  3. You are such an amazing artist and so incredibly creative. Your patterns are to die for and you would never steal from another designer. You are too honest for that. Some people can be so hurtful. To accuse you of something, but to do it in such a mean way is just ridiculous. I mean, hello, how many pillowcase dresses are out there!? We are all inspired by each other, but we each add something special to our own individual piece. Keep up what you are doing. You inspired me to start sewing and I am forever grateful for that.

  4. I think you are amazing, and I can say even though I don't know you...I know what you do and what you have put out there is genuine and not copied. Keep it up...we love our dresses over here ;)

  5. I love your patterns and all of your creative ideas. It is frustrating when people jump to conclusions like this and are rude about it. I have recently started following your blog, and I am excited for every new post!

  6. Ashley,
    Oh what a bitter sweet post. You are clearly a classy gal for dealing with it like this and sharing such beautiful stories.
    I couldn't agree more with you and have run into similar situations before. You are right. There are only so many forms of art. And when it comes to something that's been around for a while, it's true...Does someone own the copyright to the pillowcase dress? I've seen many varieties. I guess we each bring something new to the table when we put our spin on it.
    I think you are a fabulous designer. It's fun to meet someone who hates using conventional patterns also. :) You are truly an artist. And I'm happy to know you!

  7. Ashley, thinking of you and sorry that you have been made to feel a bit down by someone who obviously has an issue. I agree that everyone should share their ideas, their art and their inspirations. You have inspired me to start to tackle knit fabrics! I love your new hoodie deisgn! I adore hoodies.
    Take care and keep creating :)

  8. So wrong! I agree that most of the ideas we have today for fashion come from the past. My mom use to re-purpose clothes all the time. I had no clue how she did it until I came across your site. I had pants and shirt dresses made from my brother worn tshirts growning up. I think it is great that you have taken the time to create these patterns. Especially for those of us who were not able to learn from our elders.

  9. Oh, dear. This "issue" has come up so often in conversations with other blogging friends..I get so bent out of shape when someone accuses another crafter/sewer/artist of "stealing" As you said, many women & men have come before us and did all the same thing. In fact everytime I post an "original idea" of mine, I worry that maybe I saw it before someplace and am not giving some credit. Hence, I don't post very many "original ideas" Anywho, after one particular conversation about this I went to the fridge and pulled out a Mike's Hard Lemonade....guess what Mike said to me? "If you're gonna be original, you can count on being copied" Well said, Mike, well said. Keep on Keepin' On, Ashley! [also not an original quote from me] You are very creative! Plus, the only opinions that REALLY matter of those who love you...right? (And I'm pretty certain, there's a beautiful little girl that thinks her Mommy is the MOST TALENTED, MOST ORIGINAL woman in the WHOLE WIDE WORLD)
    Okay, I'm done now. :)

  10. You are a true inspiration. Thank you for sharing all that you do and love!

  11. I think you've handled a difficult situation beautifully. The blog world, the crafty side of it, for the most part is such a generous and encouraging place. You do however, encounter the occasional bad egg.

  12. I'm sorry someone accused you of that. Good post though, and thank you for all your wonderful ideas. I love getting inspiration from you!

  13. So sorry you had to deal with that. I totally agree with you on that there's nothing new under the sun. There are billions of people who have lived and are living, and chance are, someone else somewhere or sometime has had the same idea. I think your stuff rocks!!!!!

  14. Ashley,
    What a great post! And I love that your grandmother is an inspiration because my grandmom is my inspiration! The family pics are GREAT! Thanks for sharing the backstory.
    Your blog has been such an inspiration to me! I have tried sewing with patterns before and have been so frustrated and gave up. Since I have found your blog and a few others, it is like things have finally clicked and I feel like I have more confidence sewing now that I am not spending all my time deciphering store bought patterns.
    I guess you just speak my "language" because I totally understand it when you explain just seems like common sense and i don't need a glossary to figure out all the sewing terms.
    Keep your chin up and this too shall pass.
    I remain one of your biggest fans...

  15. Oh goodness, I'm so glad I don't know who that person is! I would go to their blog and.....stick my tongue out at them!! Or at least think about it.
    This is a tough subject to get around sometimes, though. I'm constantly "inventing" things that other people have done, too.
    I'm glad you're not too upset! They were probably just jealous of how fantastic you are!

  16. This is the toughest thing in the crafting world - how is one to know if it is original or not - you can't be all over the world, or blog land checking it out first - you trust your gut and believe you are being honest - than go for it - and we love you for it!! You are an inspiration and never let anyone tell you otherwise! Cheers!

  17. This is a lovely post and you seem to be a lovely person. Sorry somebody was mean.

  18. Thanks so much for sharing that story. You know the truth and that's all that matters. Your heart is pure and honest and I'm sure your grandfather would be proud that you've carried on this tradition. What a thing to teach your children.

  19. I think you are amazing and it sucks that you were wrongfully accused! Of all the blogs I read (and I do read a zillion), yours is my favorite! Keep your head up:)

  20. Oh, Ashley... It's so deflating and frustrating to receive a "jerky" comment or email, even though they seem to be quite rare out there in bloggyblogland.

    I had someone accuse me of being an "idea-stealer" just last week. At the time, it was the nastiest icing on a disgusting cake of a day. And it was on a project I had serious second thoughts about even posting in the first place, because I wasn't completely happy with the results. (Mean Commenter wasn't even the first one to do the same thing, either!!)

    The crafty blog community seems to be quite tightly-knit and, as a whole, supportive and kind. Take heart, and remember: You rock!

  21. Sigh... kind of sad that you had to be subjected to that.
    Love your blog, and the things you make.

  22. What a sweet post. How amazing are the clothes that you grandmother made! I agree, it seems like nothing in art is new. I don't know how many times that I think that I have come up with a great it...and see that it has already been done. Your artwork and sewing style is unique and inspiring. I have learned so much from reading your blog. P.s. I absolutely love the hoodie dress!

  23. Aw, this just goes right back to the kindergarten table when you draw a starfish and little susie draws a starfish and then little betty starts going on that you're copying little susie. Just ignore it!

  24. As I was reading through this post I was thinking the very thought that you then wrote...

    "Everyone draws their inspiration from different places. In the words of my wise friend Shari: Nothing in art is new; we are inspired by everything around us; and we need to respect each other's right to individual expression and creation."

    And you know what...I wish when I was a younger artist I would have realized that very idea...that we draw inspiration from each other and from our roots.

    It's super hard to get negative's happened to me for a different issue and I'm glad that you wrote your side of things because people need to address things in a proper manner such as you did back when you thought maybe you stole an idea.

    So don't even worry about it. Your stuff rocks!

  25. Your blog is so inspiring and I always come back to this blog for fresh and yummy goodies! Keep up the awesome work!

  26. as the saying goes...sticks & stones will break my bones, but words...well, they may do some damage but it the end, once you truly deep down inside know what you are doing, NO ONE can hurt you. keep it up girl....your blog is the reason i switch my computer on every day!!!!

  27. This makes me so sad to hear this. I follow your blog every day. I can't wait to get on line every morning and see what you have posted for the day! And I agree with everyone, there are no new and original ideas, especially in the sewing world. There is only one basic shape and we each take out pieces or add pieces to make our own adaptation. I love your blog! I have been sewing for about 23 years. I love reading certain sewing blogs and yours by far is my favorite. I have thought so much about starting my own blog, but this is one of the reasons that I haven't. I guess I am to scared to. So I applaud you for your bravery and don't let people who are jealous of your creativity get you down. Keep doing what you do best and love to do. I know you love it because it shows through! I like to think of life as a circle that just keeps going and going, and we each just put our own little spin on it while we are here. There have been people before us and will be people after us, all doing the same thing, just a little different. I don't know you personally but I see you as a bright, fun, energetic, bubbly person who loves life! So pleas keep on going because we love you and your ideas! I'm sorry for such a long post and some of it probably sounds corny, but I only mean to send you love and hopefully some encouragement and comes solely from the heart. Love you and your blog!

  28. We all are SO unique yet totally connected. A person in Tokyo may have a sparkle of an idea as somebody in Toronto or Paris... The way the idea is executed is what makes it one of a kind.

    Before I stumbled upon your blog, Ashley, I would have never thought I can get professional results sewing a pattern for the very first time. Let alone sewing knits! Your way of explanation, passion for what you do, creative design ideas, graphics and the overall feel of class and beauty streaming out of your blog, patterns and everything you make is something I have NEVER seen before! I have bought many other "home-made" pattens but they all stay forgotten... most of them never been used. I just take a look of the directions and see how they "feel", if that makes sense.

    YOUR patterns are in my special fuchsia folder ALWAYS ready to be pulled out. There is something in the layout, the photos, the simple instructions, the feel of ease and the perfection they all come together with, that makes them absolutely unique!!! I want to make them again and again for the little people in my life giving them the gift of something hand-made with love and passion for creativity.

    You are a true inspiration, Ashley!! Everything you make is made from your heart, it is palpable!!!
    Love is all there is! Whoever accused you in copying was maybe in need for love and appreciation of his/her own talents.

  29. Awesome post babe. Keep doing what you're doing, which is entirely original and creative and allows us all to be inspired.
    After all, 691 LBB fans can't be wrong :)

  30. I think you are amazing and I haven't seen anything you do before. I think whoever accused you of copying is just jealous. Keep doing what you are doing and you will be and are successful. Remember, there will always be someone lurking in the shadows trying to cut you down, you just have to be strong and hold your head up high!

  31. Aw, I think your site is great and I am super excited about the hoodie pattern! Wow, this is the 35th positive comment on this post alone. Don't let one jerk make you feel bad.

  32. I haven't beem reading your blog for very long but I can tell that you're honest and talented and genuine. Anyone who thinks differently should keep their opinion to themselves! Keep doing what your doing!

  33. I think we craft bloggers feed off of each other all the time! I have seen things in the blog world that were just like things I thought were original to me. Alas, I think we just all think alike! I am excited to take a look at that hoodie pattern... I've been anticipating it!

  34. Your blog has quickly become one of my favorites and that's largely due to how unique your style is! I just love it and it has often inspired me to create outfits for Samster. Hellooo, I didn't even know about freezer paper stenciling until your blog & now I sell onesies using it, totally in debt to you!

    With that said I've had a hard time when it comes to the craft blog world & inspiration/copying/originality. I've legitimately had my tutorials stolen and become infuriated but have also had someone else post the same idea as me just a few minutes before I hit post. (I also panicked and quickly commented on her blog! she was sweet about it and we also figured we must just both love ruffles!)

    You have a great attitude about what happened to you and I totally respect you even more for it! I also loved hearing about your grandmother. My great grandmother inspired me to start sewing with the resources you already have too!

    Ok, this is getting embarrasingly long, just wanted to tell you that I will definitely be buying your hoodie pattern (even though I'm terrified of patterns) and poo on that person for giving you a hard time. It's just immature and you know what, you're good attitude about it will come back to you!

    Thanks again for your blog, Samster & I love it!

  35. OY! Well, it looks to me that you not only have an incredible following but fabulous supporting friends. I remember reading your profile or something the first time I came to your post and you were very open and honest about giving credit where credit is due. Don't let this lame chick get you down! You know who you are and so do we!

  36. You have my support! I totally agree - to a certain extent, nothing is new . . . I'm not the first person to Mod Podge a wood tote. :D

  37. When will people realize that they get so much further with sugar than with vinegar? Couldn't the accuser have a conversation and just ASK where the inspiration came from?

    I'm not a hater, but i really do hate when people are not nice. It's so much easier and simpler (a word?) to be a nice person. Nice is cliche, but when you think about it, the root of many disagreements would be solved with nice communication. two key words there: nice and communication. Easy to say, hard for many to do!

    I for one, am soooo happy to have a boy pattern (i just bought it!!) as I have been secretly damning the sweet girl world of which i am no part of (3 penis people-7,4,1). I am happy happy to try this hoodie out on my guys! it'll take me until the other side of a century to finish, i'm sure, but when i get one done, i'll send a pic!

    In the meantime, unloading and sharing helps, I hope, but also time and the realization that the accuser knows they a) were not nice, and b) you didn't really take the idea.

    I so enjoy the blog and the pictures!


  38. Who's to say this other person didn't get their inspiration from someone else? Like you said, Its not new, just renewed to your taste. Dont listen to them and let them bring you down. Keep up with your creative self. You wouldnt have blog followers if we didnt like ya!!

  39. Sorry to hear about this. I think this way all of the time...I make crayon rolls and so does about 200+ other people...does that mean we all took each others, I am sure each one is a little different and made with a lot of love.

    The blog world can be so wonderful and there is always that one person who makes it not so much fun.

    Thinking about you and I love your blog...look forward to reading it! Thanks for being who you are.

  40. So sorry, you are feeling crummy.

    I LOVE your patterns and sing their praises whenever I can!

    People can be so mean sometimes....

    love your story and your grandma was a real beauty too!

  41. You know what, you just totally inspired me to do something that have wanted to do forever and haven't. I haven't because I thought people would say I stole the idea, even though it is a long tradition in my family. I know that's vague, but I needed this post today. Sorry it had to happen to you though.

    I just bought one of your patterns a few weeks ago. I am not very good, but when I showed my mom, she squealed. Literally, squealed. She told me her grandmother always took her to Goodwill, bought her several dresses and then took them home to repurpose and mis-match them. She said she was always the best dressed girl in school. She didn't have her first store bought dress until she was in the 7th grade!

    Some people have jealousy in their hearts Ashley. You seem like a very true person and you are very talented. Keep your head up!

  42. I'm sorry Ashley! People can be so mean, and like you said, everyone gets inspiration from different places. Most people find their inspiration off the internet and get ideas from other people's blogs. I have no idea how one could steal a pattern off of someone else's site if they didn't buy a pattern first. You do your own patterns, and YOU KNOW you didn't steal it, so try to have peace with that and not worry too much about a rude stranger. Thanks for inspiring me to try knew things :)

  43. I love that your Grandmother's name was Beauty! I love family history. I'm positive that your grandkids are going to feel the same way about you and the things you have done. Thanks for challenging me to stretch my skills once again! Can't wait to try a hoodie!

  44. Ashley, You are an inspiration to me! Keep going! When I have crafter's block... I search for inspirations! It is wonderful you are so giving! I am happy for you to have these photos of your family! I know the pictures and stories are priceless to you! Thank you for sharing the love of family and art!

  45. I've got a great left jab. Just let me know who needs it.

    I've got your back :)


  46. This was so beautifully written. You are a HUGE inspiration to me. I felt the collective jaws of the internet drop when you said that you've had no formal instruction. Thanks for giving us all hop! I hope you keep on keeping on for many years to come. I just love your projects!

  47. Funny you wrote about this - I was just thinking about this the other day. I made some yarn out of recycled T-shirts thinking "how cool am I?" and then I googled the idea and saw that hundreds of people have had the same idea. And now I don't know how to post about my new yarn - since other people have thought about the method already. Something to ponder...

  48. Sorry you had a tough day and this happened to you.

  49. Ashley...don't let it get you down. You are a super creative and talented person (and I'm sure super nice to boot!) I actually just gave you a shout out on my blog (before reading this post)...
    Thanks for all the wonderful ideas you share! :)

  50. so sorry to hear about your bad experience. on the bright side, just view it as a perfect opportunity to show the world what a great, positive attitude you have. :) LOVE your blog and LOVE your creative ideas!! thank you SO MUCH for sharing it with all of us!

  51. I am so sorry to hear that you had such a bad e-mail sent to you. I always have wondered as to what one can call "your own" in design. Because as you mentioned (through your friends quote), art is an ever evolving process. No one idea is truly original because we have seen it or imagined it somewhere. Whether it was today, yesterday or years before. I often see beautiful hand sewn items published in books and notice they are the same or very similar to something someone already has made for me or has been in my family for many, many years. And does that make that person that published the book with the said item a fraud? I say not, because they have taken what they've seen and made it their own. Do I make any sense?
    You do wonderful work, really. You are a great artist!

  52. I'm sorry you are having to cope with someone's bad manners, to put it nicely. Honest mistakes can happen and to presume otherwise without investigating first is irresponsible. Feel good about yourself, knowing you are putting your heart into everything you design and sharing it with everyone else. Hugs, Dena

  53. I'm a daily follower even though my daughter is a teenager and way too big for your designs! I am always energized by your posts - it's clear that you create from the heart, don't let one jerk spoil your enthusiasm. We all draw inspiration from multiple sources, but then put our own twist on it making it our own. No worries chica! Stay crafty.

  54. That story is amazing, and I think that you are amazing! Thanks for all of your inspiration.

    People do have ideas and inspiration for the same "inventions" all the time. Now that everyone is blogging about them, we are bound to run into the same ideas!

  55. Wow! I don't blog surf for a few days and I miss all this! I love your blog and all that you do. It is so true what you said about once you post something it is there for the world to see and to take inspiration from it so it's not really yours anymore. Whenever I post one of my projects I always worry and hope someone does not think I stole something from them. At the same time, I want others to look at what I have done and use their creative license to make it their own. It really it such a gray area, who first came up with a pattern and how our environment can inspire that pattern or design to evolve! I feel for you and am glad you were able to get through are such a wonderful person and designer! Much love to you...Maggie

  56. Looks like you have a lot of support out there! Copyright is a huge issue in some ways, but it also seems to be blown way out of proportion sometimes. As people have said, who really can claim ownership of the idea for a crayon roll, felt crown, a tote bag or an A-line skirt?! Inspiration comes from all around and what is original is our own interpretation of an idea. I certainly don't claim to be the first person to make a placemat with a pocket, but I believe the way I make it is unique. Life is too short for acrimony! We should be supporting and encouraging one another in our endeavours. Keep on sewing!

  57. Looks like you have a lot of support out there! Copyright is a huge issue in some ways, but it also seems to be blown way out of proportion sometimes. As people have said, who really can claim ownership of the idea for a crayon roll, felt crown, a tote bag or an A-line skirt?! Inspiration comes from all around and what is original is our own interpretation of an idea. I certainly don't claim to be the first person to make a placemat with a pocket, but I believe the way I make it is unique. Life is too short for acrimony! We should be supporting and encouraging one another in our endeavours. Keep on sewing!

  58. I have yet to buy my sewing machine, so I am totally 100% ignorant on the subject... What is hard about sewing knits?


I love comments....they help me figure out what you enjoy reading! I read and appreciate every single one but I receive so much email that it is impossible for me to reply to everyone! Please email me directly if you have a specific question and please leave your email if it isn't published on your profile.... otherwise I don't have the means to contact you!