Thursday, October 8, 2009

Creativity Challenge

First of all, you guys crack me up. All the ideas were amazing and some had me on the floor dying! I think I need to find more Jesus tape! It was SO hard to pick one winner....but Lori R wins the fabric scraps with the "Jesus" ruffles....hilarious. Stay tuned to see if Sienna soon has a dress with "Jesus" ruffles decorating the bottom....

Just fyi....I bought the tape a few years ago from Silver Crow Creations. I could spend a gazillion dollars on their site on the most random things......oh wait.....I have.

Congrats should have probably been disqualified for posting so many ideas. Below is your prize....I just need your address. Thanks everyone else for playing along! I'll do another soon!

Challenge originally posted 10/6/2009

What should I do with this?

I'll pick the most creative answer tomorrow night and send the winner a bag of cute fabric scraps.....and maybe even the entire roll of Jesus packing tape.

Sorry, I don't have much else tonight. Once again I've taken on more projects than are humanly possible to finish. So I'll be in my sewing/painting sweatshop/studio for a little bit....


  1. Ashley - First, I have to comment on your cute, original creations, so adorable and so creative! I just recently bumped into your blog and I love your ideas!

    As for the tape...since it is has a pop-art vibe, why not use it to construct a funky duct tape wallet? Not sure if packing tape will have the same durability, but maybe...Good luck!

  2. It looks very Andy Warholish to me....and since you're an unbelievable artist and make some amazing collages (eeek, is that spelled correctly??), I think it would make a really cool art piece. GOOD LUCK! I can't wait to see what you do with it.

  3. Pray over it. Isn't it sacrilegious to have Jesus on packing tape?

    You know I am kidding, right? Ha, it's late.


  4. could use it for your holiday wrapping, or cut them out and put on the back of your holiday cards. I think a chic Jesus magnet, or ornament would be cute too!

  5. If the images aren't all exactly the same you could cut them, put them on cardboard & use them as a Jesus type "memory" game...LOL...
    or maybe like a "go fish" type game...instead of saying go fish you could say "go pray"...LOL you have a blue Jesus?...
    No, go pray!

    LOL, wow! Jesus packing tape!

  6. Hmm, what about a great/unique card but on the front. It would be hip! Why not Jesus could be hip! Or a scrapbook page and some deep thoughts!
    Looking forward to what you do with it. If it were fabric I would say one of those wrist bands/bracelets!

  7. What an interesting treasure! Maybe you could use is as a mat for a photo. OR Melt it into a belt like the rice bag. That was cool. I'm sure your ideas will be much better than mine.

  8. i have no idea. is it rare, or an easy to find item? perhaps someone has been desperately searching for this exact there a website where you could find out?

    i like the idea of using it to back some playing cards, but what about having Bible questions on the other sides?
    they do seem 'pop-art-ish', and more Catholic than anything else I think....
    wait wait..
    if you adhere it to a transparent cylinder, could it be a night light?

  9. First of all, before I tell you my idea, know that I mean this NOT to be sac-religious in any way...but the exact opposite-to bring happiness and warm fuzzies to someone you love.

    Okay, now, pick a friend, relative or neighbor who lives close by that you know is either having a hard time or could just really use a good hug. Then, in the middle of the night, in your most stealthiest of outfits (so you blend in with the darkness, not to be caught) sneak into their front yard and Jesus wrap one of their trees with your Jesus packing tape (think of when you were 13 at a slumber party and you would toilet paper the cute boy's front yard with all your girlfriend cronies). Then, as explanation, leave sweet notes hanging from the branches with expressions of love and encouragement and one informing them that they've just been "Jesus Wrapped". Then, for good measure, leave some sort of sugary goodness treat (just well secured in press-n-seal so the critters don't get it) reinforcing the fact that it was not a prank, but a good deed.

    Whew, may sound like a lot of work, but who WOULDN'T want to wake up to that?? :)

  10. Mount it on strips on plexiglass, put it in a frame and hang it in a window as a stained glass Jesus window.

  11. It would be awesome window film! It would be a bit of a pain to line all the strips of tape evenly but it would look fantastic - almost like stained glass.

  12. Haha!! I'm sorry, I don't have any ideas, at least not this early in the morning, but I just had to comment on how hilarious that is! "Jesus packing tape"?? Where do people come up with this stuff?

  13. Might be cool to cover an old picture frame with it...

  14. Oh my goodness, I 'm dead over it. Where did you get because I need some! I wish I was super creative like you could somehow iron it to fabric and make a cool pop scene on a shit for Sienna. Actually, considering you made a belt out of a plastic bag, I think you could do that. I think a cool T, then cut up, would be killer!

  15. It'd be perfect to make a Jesus Night Light. Just sayin' :)

    Even a Jesus Lamp.
    Imagine! His image will be broadcast on your walls!!!


  16. Put it on a package, of course! It will be a rare treat for all the mailmen that see it!

  17. I say use it to recover an old book (maybe a tattered bible). It would look great as an addition to a stack of old books on a bookshelf.

  18. So cool! You could add a backing (fabric/paper), separate the little portraits, and then string them together for a pop art Christmas tree garland. With a clear backing, lights would even show through. Add some glittery ornaments for the snazziest tree on the block.

  19. LOL Ashley.....I have no clue what to tell you to do with Jesus tape, ROFLMAO!!!!

    I was thinking of doing a pop art cross or decorate Easter eggs with it.

    You know what would be funny is to make some sort of church money collector with it. Im not catholic or christian so I have no idea what you call your donations to church but you could cut the Jesus squares out and cover a can or jar to put your church money in.


    you could cut the squares out and turn them into appliques


    you can decorate a mouse pad in it


    you can do some of your nursery art with it. Maybe some baptism wall art.....

    there you go. all my crazy dumb ideas, LOL

  20. Put strips evenly on a thin piece of cardboard. Use that as an accent on a tote bag, kind of like poking through a window in the tote bag... does that make any sense at all? Anyhow, it reminds me of Warhol, too, and is really weird and random!

    I'm right there with ya on too many projects on my plate! :)

  21. Can you protect it some way and put it on plain white t's. One on each right in the middle with a zig zag stitch. Not very creative, but I would buy one. Or a belt buckle....too trashy?

  22. I like the night light and faux stained glass ideas...I was thinking along those lines too. But you could also use it decoupaged on coffee mugs for christmas gifts or turn it into a ribbon (attach it to a wide wired ribbon) and use it to adorn your christmas wreath, tree, or swag. It would look awesome!

  23. I think it's very different & haven't seen it before...

    What about a picture frame for a person that might find comfort in placing a photo of a loved one in it. Or a pendants...

    Just my thoughts... I'm sure whatever you come up with will be great

  24. I think it would be funky to cut each "Jesus square" and place each one on a different side of a wooden block. Pop-artish Andy Warhol style block set = funky, religious decor.


  25. The first thing I thought of when I saw this was Dia de los Muertos. The packing tape has such a latino vibe to it, sort of brightly-colored Kahlo-esque. I love it! My creative idea is to use it to make some Dia de los Muertos flag decorations (in Spanish, they're called "papel picado") like these:

    They're made out of cut-out paper to adorn streets and altars to welcome the dead back to their homes. This would be a perfect craft right now, too, considering that Dia de los Muertos is this month!! You could use the packing tape as the centerpiece of a flag and then do cut outs around it, or you could simply have a bunch of cut out flags with a random Jesus packing tape flag thrown in there every now and then. That would look so cool!! It could also be a sort of fun, cultural lesson for the family, not to mention a great decorating activity!

    Hope you like the idea!

    And btw: you are such an inspiration! Your ideas are so great and so creative, and they motivate me to keep my sewing machine humming. Thanks!
    M :)

  26. If I were you I would wrap a plastic belt with it. I think it would be a funky/cool belt.

    Also, you could use it to cover empty eggs (real or fake) for Easter. It would make a cool centerpiece.

    Love your site!

  27. the pop art jesus tape has me absolutely tongue-tied. My mind is boggled. What company went, "You know what there's a niche market for???!!!! POP ART JESUS TAPE!" ??

    I can't even make a suggestion. My mind is too blown.

  28. I was thinking you could make a picture frame from it.

    What if you sent a package to missionary workers overseas and used the tape to seal the package?

    This is the perfect challenge for our readers over at and I think I'll send them over to give you some ideas of what to do with the tape!

  29. Well....Hmmm... WWJD?

    Make Christmas Ornaments? He IS the reason for the season! I'd cut out each "frame" and overlap them on round ornament balls.

  30. love your blog... thanks for always inspiring me! i'm making your bean bags for my kiddos for a christmas present this year!

    as far as the tape.... how cool! you have to share where you got that!

    the only reason this is my idea is b/c i need one of these.

    my third and youngest son has not gotten the same treatment as the other two (b/c i'm so stretched) and he has needed a diaper bag tag for 7 months now! oops. i would cut out a jesus square, back it on chip board and put a cute fabric back w/ front frame. maybe even trim it out w/ fun ribbon. you could sell those in your store!!!! then i would buy one b/c three kids three and under leave me no time to be as crafty as you!

    best wishes friend!

  31. Jesus packing tape--now I've seen everything.
    I wonder if it would shrink if you put it on shrinky dink plastic? Then you could make little charms and some kind of way cool WWJD bracelet.

    Maybe you could get one of those cheap altar candles, strip the graphics off of them, and apply random Jesus images to the candle holder. Or just wrap it straight around like a Jesus comic strip.

    How about a photo transfer of one long strip onto a long strip of fabric--I'm thinkin' Jesus ruffles!

    Probably I would just wrap presents with white paper and put a couple of strips of tape randomly on the package. Oh, and one little Jesus on a white tag to tie to the ribbon. My pastor dad and pastor brother would crack up!

  32. Whew! 82' of Jesus fun. You should use it to create a piece of art that uses the tape to form the letters Pray or WWJD or...something else. :)

  33. Wow!! Jesus Packing tape!! LOL. My sister lived in Argentina for a while. It took months to get a package to her because the mail was so slow. Sometimes she would never even get our packages because people would see it was from the United States and open it up and take what they wanted out of it. We were told that if we decorated the package with Jesus stickers it had a better chance of making it to her. I guess pictures of Jesus deter people from being thieves! LOL. We were kind of skeptical, but sure enough it worked! Funny! She's back in the states now or else I'd have to find out where you got that sweet roll of Jesus tape. Makes me laugh! I don't have any ideas for how to use it now. Sorry! But, I do love your blog! I found it a few months back and I just love it! So creative. You inspire me!

  34. can't stop thinking about Jesus tape....

    how about lunch box notes on white cardstock? with a speech bubble. A word from the Lord at lunchtime. That might keep the hooligans from sneakin' off campus for a cig. Or, you know, just be generally encouraging if your kid is the good sort.

    maybe you could wrap it around some kind of coffee cozy, or again with the photo transfer, put it on fabric and make it into a drink cozy. Jesus juice?

    That tape is just begging to be made into a "Jesus is my homeboy" something or other....I'll keep thinkin'.

  35. Where ever you got that, you should go back and buy it all! The are some super ideas here and I really can't think of anything good, but you could stick a 12" strip of it to sticker backing paper and sell it in you etsy shop as a supply, I know I'd buy it, even though I don't know what I'd do with it.
    You could also use those individual Jesus pictures for your Day of the Dead alters, all they need is a fancy pop can frame!

  36. I've got a picture in my mind of Hell's Angels "Jesus accessories"....

    First of all it would be a most excellent band on a doo-rag. But don't stop there. You'd also need to make matching streamers for your Harley's handlebars. And if there's enough left over, of course you would need a matching belt to hold up your leather chaps.

    Yes... I am seeing it....

  37. Okay, I had another idea. Please someone make my brain stop.

    You'll have to bear with me on this one--it's kind of theological, so if that's not your bent, just know that I'm not trying to offend anyone.

    You could use the tape to make an awesome teaching tool. Get some Hobo Kelly glasses and cover the lenses with the Jesus tape. Now they are "Jesus glasses." When we accept the work that Jesus did on the cross for our sin, it's as if God is looking through Jesus glasses when he looks at us. He doesn't see our sin (because it's forgiven), He sees Jesus and His sacrifice, and because of that he accepts us.

    And okay, I'm not trying to be pushy. Ashlee, if you think this comment is going to take the discussion off in the wrong direction just delete it :)

    Now I'm off to the dentist where I'm going to try really hard not to think about Jesus tape!

  38. Well, they make purses out of duct tape right? Can you imagine a Jesus purse... just don't tell my husband - he would buy it for me so that I would remember to be a GOOD steward of our money! LOL

  39. Thanks to Katie for sharing this at this is a great creative challenge that is right up our alley!

    I'm going to say mount the tape one Jesus at a time on a piece of clear plastic (think a projector sheet)that would make it stiff and durable.
    Then using the now stiff Jesus cards attach a clip to the back that people could clip to their car visors so Jesus is always looking over them and ensuring their safe travels.

  40. Put a line of tape on postcards or note cards and add "Your in our prayers" Kinda boring, but that's what i would do!

  41. our family and I have found our way back to church and with 5 kids and 4 being little ones, we are bombarded with church crafts! I would give it to the kids to go create and hopefully not wrap each other up with it or plaster it on old frames and frame their artwork.

    Oh sorry! What would YOU do with it? Use it as packing tape for your etsy items!

  42. That is awesome! Religious pop-art is really big in jewelry right now...Seperate it into individual Jesus' and make some awesome, vibrant necklaces. Or, use a longer strip and make an amazing retro "slap bracelet"...who doesnt love a good slap bracelet!?

  43. No. Idea.

    But I have faith in you. (I mean, not "faith" as in FAITH.... just um, faith as in I trust you will find an appropriate way to use Jesus tape.)

  44. It could be a very interesting stain glass type of effect picture.

  45. I don't know what you'd do with it but at least you probably wouldn't have to worry about your package getting destroyed if you use it for packaging tape. I'm always worried when I send a package that it'll get crushed in transit. Seems like it would be intimidating to have Jesus staring up at you from a package, just daring you to be rough with the box ;)

  46. Remember those paper beads we used to make as kids?

    That's an idea. You'd lose the majority of the overall theme but keep the pop art vibe. Then you could string them into a funky bracelet. :)

  47. You should weave me a bible tote :)
    I need something cool to take my bible/journal/pen in to Church/Bible study....
    So, do it in 10" strips.
    Pull out 10", then flip it over and stick it together (so it's on both sides.
    Make 20 or so of these.
    Then do a basket weave so some will be horizontal, some....omgosh what is the other direction called?????Not horizontal...ugh, I'm stuck, oh, vertical. LOL.
    Then for the top, make it overlapping so it comes down about 1/3 of the way. Throw on some velcro, a button, what not...add a little strap and call it good.
    Oh, and sign it, because then when you blow up all famous I'll be able to get rich from your autograph.

  48. kinda like this:

  49. Stumbled upon your site from Ellebows. I love it!

    OK, here are my "up-too-late-silly-ideas":

    :: wrap it on a duct tape bible cover (the kids in my husbands youth group would totally dig it)

    :: cut card stock and write memory verses...use a Jesus image on the back of each card. Or make note cards in the same way...something you can have on hand to send your friends.

    :: does it catch light? layer it on a piece of glass (like an old window with several panes) and hang it in a window.....might have a stained glass feel.

    :: matte a strip or two of it and frame it for a funky art piece!

    :: make a pin/brooch. stick it on some cardboard or something else that's pretty firm...throw a safety pin on it. those might sell like hotcakes. i totally want a pop art jesus pin for my bag!!!!!!!!

    :: decoupage ANYTHING! folders, notebooks, bowls, jars...

  50. I think it would be great wrapped around a hurricane glass to make a lantern. What about a decoupaged tray? Make paper journals and cover the front and back with the tape for durability. I'm thinking x-mas ornaments too - just adhere to cardboard and cut out - embellish more if you like sparkly stuff, then add a hook. The possibilities are endless!

  51. Okay, I'm sure I'm too late, but I just wanted to add my two cents. You should totally use it to wrap all your Christmas presents with...He is the reason for the season, right?

  52. Send it to THE POPE! He would love it! Next time he gets a little tear in his Pope-hat he can fix it with this awesome tape!!!

  53. Holy Mole! There are a lot of ideas. I've had Jesus tape on my mind all day! You should have seen the look my husband gave me when I asked him what he would do! Ha. I'm so wierd, I just keep thinking I would laminate each picture individually and turn into a mobile w/ fishing line and dowl (sp?) sticks. I love mobiles.

  54. came back to see the other ideas; WOW!
    ALSO, I woke up with this idea...decopage a (baroque)MIRROR frame so each time you look at your own image, you can be reminded of His, and whether you're even remotely measuring up. Or around tea-light candles.

  55. now that is something new...

    you could make each square into a little keychain and hand them to the children at Sunday School or whatever religious childrens group you have/may take sienna to.
    in Malta children go to doctrine 'lessons' twice a week and am sure they would love a little keytag to hang on their backpack or anywhere else....

    hope your new machine has arrived and you're loving it....;-00

    becky from malta

  56. So I think you should wrap your steering wheel (making a cover) with this tape, turn on the song “Jesus take the wheel” and sing at the top of your lungs while you are driving down the highway. Let it all hang out because Jesus and you are in control!
    Love your blog! Thanks so much!


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