Friday, October 9, 2009


So I've been making a few more dresses and working on two new rockin' patterns. That means LOTS of samples.....some for Sienna, some for my Etsy shop and some for a Christmas box for our local women's shelter.

Here is Sienna in a "botched" one. I messed up the neck and just ended up cutting it out and serging the neck line. She likes it anyways. She gets all the outfits that don't make it through "quality check."

I got my Christmas present early so I can increase my production! Don't worry, all of my patterns will still be tailored to a regular sewing machine......

Here is where one of those tie-dyed tees went:

Instead of adopting a family this year for Christmas I'm just sewing all of my scraps and spare fabric into new clothes. I'm getting really into it. Anything that doesn't sell from my Etsy shop by Christmas goes in the box....if they do sell it just means more fabric for more outfits!


  1. Im scared of sergers. Is it as hard as I think it is? :)

  2. That's the same serger I have. It's a great basic machine, ey?

  3. I have been looking longingly at sergers for a while. Is it worth the investment for an occasional sewer? Are they hard to use? It seems like you could do an awful lot of cool things with a serger.

  4. I think Santa will be bringing the same present to our house :)

  5. I also would love to know more about sergers. I was given one the other day, knowing I would need to get it serviced, but it doesn't even turn on. I am wondering if it is worth the money to have it fixed.

  6. WOO HOO!! SERGER!!! Are you doing The Dance of Joy??

    I am loving the dresses -- Popeye cracks me up!

  7. That VERY EXACT SERGER is on my list. Still up in the air if Santa (AKA the husband) will come through or not :)

    Enjoying it?

  8. Congrats on the serger !!

    I'm dreaming of the day I can buy an embrodiery machine.. Not sure where I will put it in my already over crowded office/ebay/craft room..

    A serger is in my dreams too..but an embrodiery machine 1st.. but even that might be another year away.

  9. Only you can make a so-called "blotched" outfit STILL very cute and totally adorable!!

    The Popeye dress is AWESOME!!!

    "I grovel at your feet!"

  10. A.Ma.Zing.

    Your creativity never ceases to rock my world. I want to be you when I grow up!!

    Blessings this weekend,

  11. I love sergers. In fact, I use it every time I make clothes or anything where the inside might be glimpsed. I got mine cheap off of Craigslist... it was a cheap one to begin with but hey, it works awesome.
    I'm making a halloween costume that uses tons of organza and chiffon and all that nightmare-ish material, and my rolled hem feature has saved my goose from ironing and sewing a million narrow hems. Totally worth it. Congrats on getting a serger!

  12. I just got that same serger a couple months ago. Love that it uses regular thread, although I rarely change out from white! Are these dresses different from the Sienna dress? Cuz if it is I'm waiting for this pattern.

  13. Thank you! I needed help with that. I think you would enjoy by recent post.

  14. Those dresses are adorable!!!
    I'm dreaming a SERGER!!!!!

  15. I was just telling my boyfriend how I NEED a serger. NEED. BTW, got my paint pen today! 40% off at Michaels with a coup! Thx u for the recommendation . . . :D

  16. Would you consider doing a review on that serger? I want that one too, but I'm afraid of it:)

    Love the Popeye dress!!

  17. Well I was doing a search for doing photo transferring for some Christmas ideas that I had and found your blog...and I love LOVE it! I'm big into journalling and have started getting back into art again. Oh and I have a toddler AND was planning to get him an art journal too and forgot and you reminded me to so thanks for that!!! I'm adding you to my blog list!

  18. Ooh, a serger is on my Xmas list too but I'm not sure which one yet. I've used a Baby Lock Imagine with the sweet jet air threading - which was awesome but definitely out of my price range. I'd love if you would write a review on yours!

  19. Adorable stuff, great to recycle clothes too.

  20. wishing I had a serger! That neckline is cute just being serged.

  21. I just told my husband that I want a serger for christmas....yours is in my price range. How do you like it? Is is pretty simple to thread? Can it do rolled hems? What else can it do? I don't dare ask the sales clerk, they just want you to buy it. I need a real life recommendation. Thanks.

  22. I'd love to get one for Christmas too! Would you recommend the Brother one???


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