Monday, November 16, 2009

Eminent Domain for Puppies?!

I had to share because I just think this photo is hilarious. Last year I bought this great little Advent calendar and I was so excited this weekend to start filling it up with little notes and goodies.....BUT Sienna confiscated it this her new "Puppy Hotel":

We put up our Christmas decorations this weekend. I have to confess though: I'm NOT a "holiday" person. I can't stand putting things out that will have to be put away a few weeks later. I'm getting better now that I have a daughter.....I never even used to put up a Christmas tree until "Boo" was born (I know....Bah Humbug).

So why did I decorate so early? I want to maximize the "days per year" that the decorations can be used....because I also can't stand for decorations to be up longer than a day or two AFTER a holiday. Don't worry, I'm not a complete "scrooge".....I'm just not "used" to the big holidays. I rarely got Christmas presents growing family always took a ski trip instead. We spent every day skiing, every night playing board games and cooking dinner together and would find a local church to celebrate Jesus's birthday. As soon as Sienna is old enough to keep up with all of us on the ski slope we'll continue the tradition!

The holiday thing is growing on me....the decorations DO make the house look warm and festive!


  1. How beautiful.............I am ready to put mine up but hubby insist on after Thanksgiving. What a wonderful tradition to teach your daughter. That it is more than about the gifts....Love it... On dress #3 for the day. Power sewing. Love it...

  2. Wow you are early! We never put up the tree before the beginning of December. I couldn't imagine having christmas in my house so early. But it looks great!

  3. Beautiful! It is so festive! My kids have been begging for us to put the tree up - and since we are a couple of years away from a real one (because of the pine needles) - now I'm thinking, why wait until after Thanksgiving?

  4. Your tree looks great! I have to wait until after Thanksgiving to put up our tree...I hate "ripping off" Thanksgiving! lol

    I love it when the house is all's so cozy that way!

  5. We are so alike! I spent my christmas just like you growing up. Now that Max is 5, guess where we are spending this Christmas??? Tahoe Heavenly, Baby!!

    Grand Residences, The Gondola, Ski Slopes, Casino, Sledding here we come...Merry Christmas.


  6. how funny...we have the same advent calendar, our's never got packed up after last Christmas because it became our "fairy and imaginary friend apartment".

  7. I love the dog hotel!! Too cute. I have been thinking I wanted to start decorating for Christmas now. I thought maybe that was crazy, but now I am re-thinking. I too hate the fact that we do all this decorating that just has to be put away a few weeks later. Your house looks beautiful and just think how long you can enjoy the Christmas feeling! I swear you must be the energizer bunny with all you seem to get done in a day.

  8. LOVING the dog hotel! I've just become a holiday person myself, due to Mod Podge. :D

  9. Okay, since you already put up your decorations, I'm so tempted to do the same! I'm so ready for it I know my daughter will love it all even more this year!

  10. I like your parents' idea...skip the materialism and spend the time with family, playing games and skiing. Now, that would be great.
    I found you via the So You Think You're Crafty contest.

  11. Not bad for a non holiday person to get it up early. I LOVE decorating for the holidays. I'm putting my decorations up this weekend for the same reason. SO much work for so little time.

  12. haha. hilarious! I'm kind of a bah-humbug that way too! I always got away with it, saying that we lived in too small of an apartment. But now that we're in a house...hmmm....well, I guess the fact that we'll only be here till 12/15 can help that cause. I really do love a tree though. I just hate the work.

  13. Beautiful tree! I love putting my Christmas decorations out. We try to wait until Thanksgiving but I am in the mood early this year!


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