Sunday, November 22, 2009

Reversing the Seam

Sorting through Sienna's baby clothes this morning I noticed a trend....they ALL have reversed serged seams and no finished hems!

I DOUBLE HEART my serger. For a child with sensitive skin, the reversed serged seams make an outfit ultra comfortable.

The most basic knit dress style becomes just a little bit more funky.....

Anyone else out there just LOVE the reversed seam? Is there anyone that just can't stand it?


  1. You know I LOVE the reversed seam!!! I think it's extra cute and extra hip!! Gives a fun, funky touch to any outfit.

  2. I love this look too! I love the texture it brings to the outfit. Very nice!

  3. I can't get enough of it.......Absolutely love it......

  4. I like it...once in awhile. Too much of a good thing isn't a good thing.

    Sorry! I think this is the first time I've disagreed with you :(

  5. I think it's cute, and a fun and funky way to make some outfits different. :) But I agree with 'Your Cool Friend Cheryl,' and I don't think I would want it on every single outfit.

    My real reason for commenting is to see what kind of serger you have! I bought an old Singer "Tiny Serger" (3-thread, wrap-around tension) off of Craigslist, and I seriously have not even had time to sit down and try to figure it out yet. My sewing shop in town offers free lessons for LIFE on all machines they sell, but the cheapest one they have is around $450. :( It's hard to justify that when Hancock and JoAnn both put theirs on sale every other month! Any advice or input on the serger issue? Or is there already a post about it that I may have missed?

  6. Love it and haven't really done it much with my sewing, so thanks for the inspiration!
    Nadine x

  7. I, too, would love to know what type of serger you use. I have a Huskavana hand-me-down from my cousin, that I am still learning how to use. It does not do the cool t-shirt hem - is that called coverlock? - but it does everything else. Thanks for the input!

  8. I love it when other people do it - but the OCD in me - LOL - just won't let me do it!!! I too agree its gotta be done right, which you have seemed to master.

  9. I really love the look with your pieced together dresses. I think it adds to the upcycled quality and idea's by sort of "making it fit". If you properly hemmed everything, it wouldn't look as raw and edgey as they do.
    I made mine with finished hems and top stitches because I have no serger but I'm thinking of zig zagging around the edges like I do sometimes and see how it turns out. But, I adore all you do, and have never really thought anything of it, other than a cool other twist on a "cool other twist" type dress.

  10. I like it, but since I don't have a surger and therefore, can't do it, I can do without. :) I agree, though, that it adds an extra "funky" twist to the dresses!

  11. I think it is time for you to teach us how to use a serger...LOL.
    I have one in my closet soaking up the dust, but I have no idea how to possibly work it. It has a huge manual with it, and someday I'll figure it out, but its a bit intimidating! )-:

  12. I love it! I have been sewing up the "Sienna" Dress all weekend, and might be sending more to my mom's for serging!

  13. I think they are cute! But I wouldn't want it on everything... ahh... haha, and I am such a bad guesser.. I totally thought you did the bags. Oh well, I am not going to guess next time...haha

  14. I like the look, but I'm scared to death of sergers (they look so complicated)!

  15. I like the look, but I'm scared to death of sergers (they look so complicated)!

  16. what type of serger do you have? I love your blog it makes me get in the crafty mood!

  17. My 8 yr old & 5 yr old always tell me, "this hurts me" "this feels funny or scratchy" these are shirts bought from your local stores. I love the serger look! I have one & still a bit shy w/it! I need to conquer & find the perfect setting! That's what's wrong w/me! Also, the stretchy knits are scary for me to sew w/too! I SEW want to try it though!!

  18. especialy when it comes to socks. They should make them with the seems facing out.

  19. I love it! Especially on little kids. Super cute.


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