Saturday, November 14, 2009

Saturday LBB Gallery Share - Twins!

When it is time to release a new pattern I am usually to the point where I can't even bear to sew one more outfit from it! This is why I LOVE when people share what they have made with my patterns because it always reinspires me to revisit them. You all are so creative and I love that you take the patterns "out of the box" I've put them in!

Sofia posted these photos on her blog and I had to share them...they are matching outfits she made her twins. I am head over heels for the fabric combinations she used and that they work for both a girl and boy! These outfits look like they could be a Peter Max painting....which would totally be fitting because Sofia is an artist! I'm pretty sure she used the Hoodie pattern for each one and lengthened it into a dress. Go visit her and see more photos of these outfits and her artwork (check out the Village Frock she made her fabric choice and the matching tie for her son!)

If you haven't joined the Lil Blue Boo Flickr Gallery yet....please do! There is some serious new cuteness showing up on there. And selfishly I just like to be inspired by what other people do with their own projects! Make sure if you upload photos to the gallery to leave your blog address in the notes so I can find you!


  1. I heart these so much!! You did an amazing job Sofia and your fabric selections are amazing!!

  2. Ok tired of looking at all these gorgeous creations. I'm buying the pattern now.

  3. How cute! LOVE the boy version of your stuff. Precious!

  4. ahhh... so cute!!! I want to make one! haha... does it come in my size?


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