Thursday, December 10, 2009

Dear Santa: PLEASE don't come to our house!

Mommy, I CAN'T like Santa.

Not, I don't or I won't.....I CAN'T. Sienna says it is okay for the Reindeer to stop by though....but DEFINITELY not Santa.

With Santa in 2007:

With Santa in 2008:

With the Easter Bunny in 2008 (just had to include it):

And this year. My friend had Santa come to her house....I thought that might help but as soon as he came in the door Sienna ran and hid. I finally made her accept her gift and she wouldn't even acknowledge that he was there....

Santa scored a few points when she learned he plays with princess castles....

......but not enough to LIKE him. Oh well.....better luck next year.


  1. best dear santa request i have heard, haha!


  2. That will be an easy order for Santa to fill! ;)

    I wonder when little ones start actually liking Santa, because my almost 3 yr old is petrified of him!

  3. My girls are just NOW starting to "consider" seeing him, but Aleah (5) is really asking alot of questions about reindeer being able to fly and how Santa would even get into our house since we don't have a by the time she "likes" him she won't believe anymore anyway.
    Ellie (3) on the other hand will probably run up to Santa and yell "I'm ELLIANA SUE" in his face like she does to everyone. Then she'll say "WHAT IS YOUR NAAAAAAAAME?"
    He should be impressed.
    Gotta say though, those pics are priceless.

  4. awww those pictures are pretty cute. until i was 5, i HATED dolls. i only liked Mickey Mouse and screamed when i got a doll for my second birthday from my grandmother. anyway, i finally came around when my little sister got a doll for her second birthday. i realized i was missing out and was finally ready for my own doll! i'm sure she will enjoy santa next year... or maybe the year after! so so cute though!

  5. I love those picks! SOOOOO cute and funny! I wonder how my little one would think of him? But she loves anyone so I would not be surprised if she would pop on his lap and sing for him.

  6. So cute, My daughter isn't really scared, but she definitely will not hold still long enough for a picture.

  7. ok i am cracking up over the Easter one I'm sorry! Poor thing..I have a few of those of my kids too. traumatizing as it was they are my fave ones!

  8. Haha! How adorable! Poor kid. :) Best of luck in getting the reindeer to stop by!

  9. LOL!!! so fun pick...poor little sweetie...

  10. That Easter one - oh my goodness! Poor little thing. I'm glad she has a better relationship with crazy holiday characters now. :D

  11. Precious pictures! I can't wait to take my little guy to see him for the first time this year. Oh, you need to check out my blog, I blogged about your sienna dress pattern ;-). Love it!

  12. bahahahahhahahahhahah!
    I love those pictures.
    Poor Boo- leave her alone.

  13. OMYGOSH! That is the funniest thing I have ever seen. My 9 year old still doesn't want to get tooo close.

    Hey Ashley, I need ideas for Olivia the Pig. Got any? Thanks!

  14. Seriously. Those are the funniest Santa pics I have EVER seen! You're little one is SO cute!

  15. My niece calls all mascots and characters "big heads" and she hates them all! There are many, many similar pics of here through the years and now we all just avoid the "big heads"! Too cute!

  16. I think Santa needs a makeover. Who's kids aren't terrified of that big white beard?

    Still I think Santa will bring lots of presents for her.

  17. That's hilarious! I have a crying picture of Mia with Santa from a few years ago too, LOL. I didn't even bother taking her last year because I knew she would get freaked out. This year she goes back and forth. She thought she wanted to see Santa but once we got to the mall she chickened out and wouldn't even wave at him.

  18. too cute.
    today we saw santa as well... and soon as he came in the room A jumped on me and didn't let go until he was gone! Yup, even though we had talked about it earlier. Oh well, maybe when she gets a bit older. Her brother on the other hand, didn't do so bad...he stood next to Santa and told him what he wanted. Note the "stood", yea he said "no mami, I don't want to sit on Santa!" okie dokie.


  19. My almost 3 year old can't stand to be anywhere near Santa. I've never gotten a picture of her with him. I managed to help my other kids through the "scared of Santa" years by sitting with them in the picture but she wouldn't touch him with a ten foot pole!

  20. So, Santa and the Dr. are in the same boat now, huh?

  21. Love the Santa pix! Just had to say Thx again (incase you didn't see on last comments!) Cannot wait to use ALL the ribbon! My girls will want first pick! =)

  22. gosh that's funny! I think you have a tradition now :) I can see some even funnier ones in the future.... 10 11 12 13!! do keep them coming :)

  23. Oh my word that is HILARIOUS. Those pics are just killer. Laughing so hard I'm crying a little over here...


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