Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Why Competition is a Good Thing

I love competition. You know why? It forces me to come up with new ideas. Mommafo sent me this photo tonight of new t-shirts at Target. Look familiar?

I happen to think mine are cuter because all three are unique and different...but hey, I hope Target sells a ton...and I'll probably buy one myself. My husband say he is willing to bet that Target didn't use Powerpoint to create their design though....probably not the most efficient use of resources.

This was funny timing though because I came across this great thread on Etsy regarding competition (you can read it here) and I posted the link on Twitter this morning. It pretty much sums up exactly how I feel about the whole "you stole my idea" argument. (Disclaimer: I am not implying that Target stole my idea....although how exciting would THAT be......and it IS possible for 2 people among billions to do something similar. And no, I didn't steal Target's idea, I actually saw some nesting dolls in US Magazine or People Magazine and thought they would be cute as a screenprint).

Anyways, I've seen a very ugly side of blogging and Etsy selling. I'm sure many of you have too. I get the occasional mean comment...but I don't delete them...I let everyone else see that person for what they are. I've know too many people that have been the recipients of vicious attacks because someone thought they stole their idea. But really it was a very basic idea that had been around for a while. And never has the product been a copy! Note to self: do NOT send my friends on a seek-to-destroy mission if someone has a similar idea to one of mine.

One of the comments on the thread mentioned above cracked me was something sarcastic like "how DARE someone else make a crocheted flower." If you are seething about someone else's new project just use that tag line to shift gears: how DARE someone else make a _______.

Here are my thoughts for the day: Don't copy. It is perfectly fine to be inspired by other people's work. Make it your own. You can't own a style or assume you can is actually pretty arrogant. Everyone's ideas are a derivative of someone else's even if in the tiniest way. Never stop improving your work. Don't try to milk the same idea for years (unless you invented the windshield wiper or something better). Don't drive angry. Be happy for others.

I'm rolling out some new screen print designs tomorrow too! Perfect timing! I just hope no one else comes out with the same thing tomorrow too!


  1. Great post about a sometimes touchy subject! Darling t-shirt too (I wish Target would copy me!). ;)

  2. That is crazy!

    I actually have read of Target, of all stores, being known for copying handmade artists, particularly from etsy.


    Your's is so cute!

    Right now there are thousands of people doing hand stamped jewelry, myself included. But there is one designer who likes to accuse all others of copying her. Funny enough, I'd heard about her REPUTATION before I ever even saw her jewelry! And sure enough, she contacted me at one point, accusing me and requesting I stop selling a certain item. Uhh yeah.

    Similar designs happen all the time. You're right, just keep moving on!

  3. Great post. :) they're holiday shirts, so might not be around too long. You're one of my muses, you inspire me. :)

  4. Amen!! I read the thread when you posted it yesterday and laughed at the crochet flower comment too! There are so many people doing similar things that it can be hard not to get caught up in thinking people are "stealing" your idea, but a lot of creative people can have similar creative thoughts.

    I saw those shirts at target and they're cute, but your nesting dols are way cuter!

  5. I thought this was hilarious!

    "YEA WELL, the jerk who stole my idea of making glass beads with a torch can burn in hell..."

  6. I loved this post! I get so annoyed when I see this. I remember seeing a "do not copy" on a basic pillowcase dress tutorial....PULEEEESE! I think pillowcase dresses have been around longer than most of us!

    I loved your last thoughts EXACTLY!

  7. I was thinking it should be- how DARE someone else make a... wonderful gal like Ashley feel crappy around the holidays! Thanks for sharing all of your fabulous-ness with the world! If only we could all be as nice as you. Merry Christmas!

  8. SO true! I find it amusing when I think I have a "new" idea, then create it, then browse the blogging/crafting world only to discover that I wasn't the first after all. I never get mad, of course, because perhaps maybe I *had* seen it somewhere and didn't remember, as if that memory hid itself somewhere in my scrambled brain. Who's really to blame there? I do agree, as long as someone doesn't knowingly outright steal someones (copyrighted) idea then what can you really do?

  9. i think it's important to remember that with traditional crafts most of it has been done before. We are just so good at promoting ourselves online now, that we can see everyone else's work and might feel miffed if they done a similar thing.

    Be inspired by other's work, but make sure you put your own twist on it.

    Your designs are wonderful by the way!

  10. I must agree with you that yours is cuter :)

    I make childrens clothes, I have been using my mums old patterns which she drafted gherself when she was a seamstress yet I have had accusations of copyong against me.

    Seems you can't make shorts with a contrasting cuff and pockets, or a dress with an apron attached etc...

    I think alot of people have their heads in the clouds if they believe they re the only ones to come up with an idea.

    Statistically there are only 1000 original ideas in the world apparantly. Everything else is from an adaptation of those originals (I will try find the source of this info and post here)

  11. LOVE this post! Thanks for the laugh.... :) and I completely agree with you, although I'm pretty sure I've told you that once before :)

  12. AShley- just thought I would share someting from down under here at Australia Target....Andrews friend is a skater- semi pro- anyway he was at target and saw some teen boadshorts with a sillouette of a was him! lol anyway he ended up getting some cash from them for using his image as such...They had used a pic of him without his permission-
    I think the internet just opens up so much creativity as such and shared it alot more than in the day when someone in Sweeden could be doing the same thing as you and you would not even know it!
    I love all your recycled ideas and thanks again for sharing your creativity :) Bron xo

  13. I couldn't agree more with you! It's hard to be original and when you think you are eventually you find something similar that has already been around. I agree, don't copy, but you can be inspired!


  14. Ashley you are wonderful. What a great post. Love how ou inspire others especially me. I have stepped out of my comfort zone to try new things since reading your blog and I love it. Its ok if it doesn't turn out right the first time. I just keep trying again and one of these days it WILL work. HA....Thanks again!!!!

  15. fantastic post. So many people accuse others of copying. Everything out there is a copy of something else be it from nature or not. An idea is just that you came up with it but it may have been influenced by something you have seen and most likely forgotten you have seen. Inspiration is fantastic direct copies not so. Like someone said about the pillowcase dresses- there are so many people selling them- of and bibs and burp cloths and handbags and and and.

  16. Makes me think of the quote I have read before "Imitation is the gretest form of flattery." If people would just think this way instead.... That is why I am so happy that I have a relationship with God. All these things will soon pass away, so why worry about what other people do? Stay true to yourself and follow your own creativity.

  17. It's interesting how passive-aggressive people can be online. some of the things people say in threads or emails would never be said out loud to someone's face.

    They should teach internet etiquette in elementary schools.

  18. Thank you for this post! My husband is a Creative Director in an Advertising Agency and I guess in the business they have a thought that an idea exists in the universe at the same multiple people can get it. It's just who ever does something with it first. Funny way of looking at it, but makes you feel a little bit better when you "think" you have an original idea then do a search only to find about a million other things like it out there in blogging world. Everything is a product of someone else's creativeness. It's just what you bring to it that make's it your own. I love your blog and admiring your creative mind. You are fantastic!

  19. Exactly....Doesn't every creative idea come from something that is sparked be anther idea anyways! And if people are into checking out other people's creative blogs,well then even more creative juice get a flowing! There are so many ideas out there it's easy to even forget where you have seen them. Tweeking ideas to make them our own, well....thats what being creative is all about! It should be about each person wanting to get out there and MAKE something instead of worrying.

  20. Great post! Thanks for being so sensible.

  21. Totally agree with Happy Together's comment. It is the greatest form of flattery. If everyone is so scared of getting copied, they shouldn't post their designs on the internet for everyone in the world to see.

  22. I LOVE this post! I am new to the blog world and am really interested in opening an etsy shop to sell my girls clothing line, but I am SO nervous that whatever designs I come up with will be out there and I will be unaware and then someone will think I stole their idea. So right now I haven't opened my shop......I guess fear is holding me back. You are very right though.....everyones ideas are a derivative one someone else's even if it is in the tiniest way.

    Thanks for the post!! Lindsay

  23. I love this post . Very good that you opened this up. I think there are some rediculouse people out there. Your matryoshka`s are much better and cuter!:)

  24. Awesome post and can't wait to see your new screen prints!

  25. I saw that shirt in Target today and I thought of you right away! The problem w/their shirt is that it is on really cheap thin fabric. I wanted to get one because that whole screenprinting thing looks ... uh ... really hard ... but I still couldn't justify buying such a low quality shirt.

  26. I saw that shirt at target and I thought of your post and then I thought about how ugly that shirt is!!! It's hideous in person. The dolls are small and the shirt is a big shirt, not fitted or anything. So, yes.... yours is for sure better!!!

  27. Oh geesh! It is a tricky subject. I must admit I saw the screen print and thought -matryoshka dolls? Hey- that would be super cute with a pirate face for a boys shirt...
    So yes...I hear you.

  28. Ah, what a big subject. It's so sad to see people's envy or resentment in such an ugly and public way. You said it all so well and thoughtfully, though. Love your dresses and the nesting dolls are so cute and vibrant. I just recently found your blog and I continue to be inspired by your creative work.

  29. LOVE THE POST!!! How dare you be so creative and inspire your readers to make such fun stuff! ;)

  30. How dare you blog?! I invented blogging! LOL.

    This post is greatness...but I have to admit I was infuriated by someone at a show once who stood at my booth for 20 minutes talking to me about my quilts. Then her daughter came over and the woman says "remember the design on that quilt so I can copy it when we get home." Zero qualms about the fact that I was there SELLING them. Yeah, hello - me, the woman right here in this booth - I am selling these things. You know, to make a living? Sheesh!

  31. Hey, it is completely possible that the designer from the Target Holiday shirts saw yours first.
    A friend of mine's cousin was contracted LAST YEAR (she's a designer in Minneapolis) to do Target's Holiday design
    She made up 3-4 and they chose what to use.
    She, is a blog surfer and etsy surfer just like my friend and me, so it is absolutely possible that the DESIGNER for Target's holiday shirts saw them here first.
    Anyhoodle. Adorable new screenprint above. Too funny!

  32. Oh Ashley, you couldn't have said it better!

    I totally agree...Don't copy! Take the time to be creative and make it your own. We all see people blatantly copying and think 'really, are you that hard up for a post on your blog that you have to copy someone else's?' It's Ok to have dry spells in blogging and creating, I think it's necessary to make something great sometimes.

    And everyone's ideas are deriatives of everyone else's that is so true. I mean how many times have we all seen something from a high end store and thought " I could make that, but cheaper, plus I'd do this and that to make it cuter, etc'. Inspiration makes the world go round, that how trends start!!!!

    Love you and all your stuff!!

    Hugs, Maggie

  33. Hmmm...Target's version looks sooo close to yours I would think they were byting from you! :) But...there are the differences that make yours just sooooo much cuter, unique, and personal.

    This was a GREAT post!!!!

    Thank you for continuing to share your creativity with all of us! :)

  34. I recently found you blog and love it!!!!!! Your stuff really inspires me!!!!! Thanks for sharing all your awesomeness!!!!!

    Love this post since my bestfriend and I were walking through Target today and saw this shirt and both of us were like that is the shirt for that one blog... lol. But yours is way cooler....

    I think that when someone uses your idea as inspiration you should see it as flattering .... and if your not comfortable with people "copying" your stuff don't put it out there on the world wide web for everyone to see!!!!!!

  35. Too funny. I actually wore that shirt from Target to my son's school today! Although,I would have prefered one of yours. Happy weekend!

  36. I completely agree with the it's all been done before, but what I don't understand is this: If this is actually how you feel than why do you make people buy a license for each pattern that they purchase from you before they can sell what they made with their own hands, fabric, time, etc? Why not go ahead and just build that right into the price?

  37. I actually allow people to sell five items (a limited quantity) before purchasing a license. The license helps me keep track of who is selling from my pattern as well as their website/etsy shop for a directory.


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