Sunday, January 3, 2010

How long are you allowed..... wear Christmas dresses after the holidays? I hope for a while....because she refuses to take this one off!

I should probably take it as a compliment that she likes the clothes I make for her.....but eventually I guess I'll have to hide it so the neighbors don't start talking.

Don't even get me started on the sippy cup.....or the refusal to let me brush her hair.....


  1. We all have those "don't get me started" kid things..... today my 4 year old made it 3/4s thru the church ~ by crawling under pews.

    Oh, my. She must get this from her dad. :)

    I LOVE your dresses....if I had one, i'd wear it ALL year!

    Have a great afternoon.

  2. least she is absolutely adorable with her messy hair.

  3. If I were your neighbor I wouldn't's cute!!

    If it makes you feel better, I put my boys in Christmas jammies as long as they fit.

  4. Ashley! She is adorable :) Messy hair does not look so messy when it has soo many pretty curls! May be one day she will like the dress and hair clip from me :) It will be the best present LOL
    Beautiful dress! I am still dreaming about finding nice t-shirt with cute print so I can use your pattern!
    well at least I went through all my unwanted clothes. No result yet!

  5. LOL!!!
    it is just a phase, i read it at the mothering mag.
    my DD is the same way about her hair.
    it will go away, and do what makes you and Boo happy. :D

  6. I have a little one about that size too that goes thru the stages of wearing the SAME thing over and over :) I love the tousled hair look, and the sippy cup, too...what a SWEET child!

  7. As long as it fits, go for it! You'll miss it next year!

    Just made my FIRST Sienna dress today and it totally rocks! Have to make sure my model is in a good mood when wearing it and we'll post some pics. Made it from a 1982 World's Fair tee.

  8. I know what you mean. Skylar insisted in wearing her Christmas headband today for lunch at our neighbor's house. We are taking down our tree today and my husband and I are gearing up for the tears and hysterics!

  9. Until you grow out of it, of course! She's such a doll. And I think if I had a dress that cute and comfy, I'd refuse to take it off too!

  10. My daughter HATES me touching her hair. She recently decided she wants to have hair as long as Rapunzel's...she wants her baby sister to climb it after she throws it over the I told her that I would have to trim it if she doesn't let me brush it. It's worked for a couple of weeks :)

  11. Leila wore her Woodstock dress yesterday, but as soon as I wash it I'm putting it away with the Christmas things. For little kids, though they can get away with it for a few weeks into January, I think!

  12. She's too cute! It's funny how a person forgets about all those little things or that's what you remember when they get older. I guess it's what makes them unique!

  13. Just had to chime in and say SHE'S SO ADORABLE and she can totally pull it off ;)

  14. We are still wearing the same dress Ashley...............Alli will not take it off but after next weeks laundry it is going to be hid for another year. Sorry sister. She loves loves loves her dresses with leggings only pls. Wait till boo is 4 1/2 they have there only little mind.

  15. I don't think a timeline exists for how long little girls can wear christmas dresses! I have to hide my girls' xmas stuff or they'd wear it all year long!

  16. i will do anything to have her hair. simply "to-die-for" even though just out of bed!

  17. Our daughters MUST be related because my daughter a.) has the same preoccupation with messy hair
    b.) won't take off her yellow rainboots
    c.) won't part with a paci or sippy cup.

  18. Well she's just the cutest little thing!! She's allowed to do whatever she wants since she is so cute :)

  19. She is adoreable. I think it is a gorgeous dress no wonder she has to keep wearing it. My daughter 2yr7mth will not let me do much with her hair and it always looks messy!! I wish I could put it up- when we do it lasts 5mins max!


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