Monday, January 25, 2010

On to New Things!

Well, I didn't need a contest to learn that Dana is just too darn talented! Congratulations Dana for winning the SYTYC contest! You definitely deserved it. I love everything you make! For a consolation prize maybe you can send me one of those amazing bean bags....haha!

I must admit I am a little glad that the contest is is really hard to "craft-on-demand" for over 10 weeks. The contest helped me to think outside of my comfort zone though and come up with things I wouldn't necessarily have made.

My project last week was the screen printed drapes and pillows. I'll be putting up a tutorial for it next week! You can use the tutorial to make your own drapes, pillows, duvets etc!

I've been a little absent the past week and I'm sorry about that! I was a little overwhelmed from all the Three Angels Haiti donations and trying to finish up a pattern at the same time. I also had 2 beautiful nieces born this weekend there was a lot of family time. Two sister-in-laws, two baby nieces, less than 24 hours!

Baby Sawyer was born Friday to my sister-in-law Jen:

Baby Cari was born Saturday to my sister-in-law Carolyn:

Visiting baby Cari at the hospital was a little upsetting for Sienna because she wasn't allowed in the room. She got to see Cari through the window....but she still didn't understand.

We visited baby Sawyer yesterday and Sienna was in heaven. She got to "pet" her and play in her new nursery and play with all her toys.

My new Lil Leggings pattern is now in the shop too! It includes options for customizing your leggings such as: adding trim, gathering/ruching a leg, adding a ruffle, and altering the pattern for length, leg width and rise.

I've also set up another Facebook page JUST for Lil Blue Boo Patterns. Check it out! This is a great way to share your ideas/tips and ask questions of other sewers. I just like seeing the awesome creations!

Have a great day!


  1. Congrats Auntie!! Your nieces are gorgeous :)

    I voted for your curtains, hehe I can't wait for the tutorial, I have just the place for new curtains ;)

  2. Those girls are too cute! I can see why that would make Sienna upset. I'm excited to checking out your legging pattern. That's the only thing my oldest daughter will wear!

  3. Okay, you know you're a mom when a picture of heartbroken little girl almost makes you cry... poor sweet Sienna. I hope she gets to hold Cari soon!

  4. I am so glad you are selling the leggings patern. I bought the blue striped pair for my daughter and they are so cute! Hopefully, I can make a pair almost as nice as the pair you made.

  5. Pretty babies always make me want another. Congrats!

  6. Look at your sweet nieces. They are so beautiful. Congrats to their new aunt, cousin, and parents. :)

  7. Welcome back :) Hope you are all caught up! I pray there is not another need for such generosity in the near future but am greatful for wonderful people who give their talents to help the world recover from this devastation.
    Anyway, back to crafting we go right?

  8. Congrats on being an Auntie! I my niece was born two weeks many new little girls!


  9. Aw, that poor baby! Looking through that window! So precious.

    Congrats on the nieces. Hope you get some down time! Have a great week.

  10. Beautiful babies! I have a Sawyer, too. Hadn't heard of the name until we picked it (don't watch "Lost" :)) and now I'm seeing it more. Lots of fun! Can't wait to get the leggings pattern :)

  11. Congratulations Auntie!
    Those baby girls are ADORABLE!

  12. Hi there - I referred to you in my blog - - I just love you blog and wanted to give you some credit. I wrote the same thing on my Norwegian blog:)

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. congrats on the new additions to the family! {& raising all that money!}

  15. I loved and voted for your curtains! Great Idea!

  16. Aw sweet little babies, my youngest will be 6 months Friday. Where does the time go??? Can't wait to get my leggings pattern so excited to try them! They sure come in hand during the cool/cold months here in MI. I voted for your curtains! I can't wait to make some for my big window in my house! I made some for our kitchen and bathroom and it was pretty easy, didn't think about silk screening a design can't wait to get some $$ and make some!

  17. Congratulations for making it thru to the final round :) You did a fantastic job and had so many wonderful creations! Congrats on being an aunt two times more (now Sienna will have two more little girls to play with when she's older :).

  18. What gorgeous girls in your family...daughter and new nieces! I can't wait for your tutorials on your lovely drapes and pillows!

  19. I totally agree with what Launa said! It about broke my heart to see that little one so hurt and left out!! But I know you guys made up with it when she got all of her other baby hugs in!!

    Congrats on the new babies! Two to shower with homemade gifts!!

  20. How wonderful Ashley! Congrats on new nieces and is not it amazing born the same day???? LOL how is that possible?? now you guy get to celebrate two birthdays! You get to make twice as many dresses! You going to get two new models for your dresses! How cool! and I LOVE your pattern for leggings. Makes it soooo much easier not to guess any more for the size. Thanks for all you do! And I love those drapes .. I wish I could silk screen.. I will still learn how to.. I will

  21. Congratulations on your new, little neices!! They are both beautiful!

    And poor, Sienna - that picture is heartbreaking!

  22. Just a quick note to let you know that a link to this post will be placed on in the Handcraft category today [03 Mar 01:00pm GMT]. Thanks, Maria


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