Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Random Ideas and inspiration

Seriously, sometimes the most random things will spur ideas. This little heart print was inspired by a Burlington Coat Factory commercial (ever seen their logo?). This is why I need to keep a notebook by my bed....so in between Jersey Shore, The Bachelor and Lifetime Movies I can jot things down!

I've been printing the hearts on soft cotton interlock for some Valentines skirts and dresses:

Just having fun with it and mixing the hearts into different prints.

Someone emailed me and requested a twirl skirt so here it is:

Can you guess what my other new pattern is?

I've had a few St. Patty's requests too.....so I dyed and screened a few variations of this too (tutorial for dyeing to come soon):

Speaking of random. A friend brought his daughters over last night to play with Sienna while he and my hubby painted something. Checking on the girls I found that they had somehow convinced Sienna to dress up as a Kangaroo....doesn't she look thrilled?

What is the most random thing that inspired an idea for you?


  1. I love the pink twirl skirt! That is so cute.

  2. Amazing! Your work is just amazing!

  3. I am SO glad to hear i'm not the only person guilty of watching Jersey Shore while I sew. I swear one of these days i'm going to sew Snooky some clothes that fit!!! ;)

    LOVE the skirt!!! I'm going to see if I can't whip one up today for my little lady.

  4. I was at a yard sale and my daughter pulled out a shirt from the free bin. I had visions of it becoming something fun and flirty, so we brought it home...It's still in her dress-up bin, but someday I'll make something cute out of it! Love the circle skirt. Knit waistbands are the best!

  5. I am in LOVE with that cute twirly skirt!!!! It is a MUST have for my girls! You are fab!

  6. I can't wait to see the skirt pattern. ANd i LOVED the resolution art. You're a genius!

  7. Beautiful skirts! Love those hearts..! And Sienna is too cute!

  8. Oh my gosh! Sienna is so gosh darn cute. This picture is hilarious!

  9. Elle is laughing her head off, seriously! She loves her Sienna aka "See."

  10. You never fail to wow me! Love the hearts!! The Valentine's twirl and St. Patrick's are adorable!

  11. Yay- what a fabulous new pattern!!! I am excited for that! That skirt is super cute and so are your heart prints.

  12. I totally understand keeping a notebook nearby at all times...good ideas are fleeting.

    Is that joey costume from Babystyle? My oldest son wore the same one for his first Halloween!

  13. I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE the twirl skirt. I have been thinking about making one for a long time and this was just the kick I needed.
    I am loving the dying, looks like a cool technique!
    Still waiting for some entries to roll in to my LBB giveaway (shameless plug) this week! Thanks again for hooking ILTWYD up.

  14. i'm in love with the green and pink skirt!!! :)

  15. I love that red valentine's skirt! How fun! And so twirly!


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