Sunday, May 2, 2010

Sunday LBB Gallery Share - Itty Bitties!

My favorite thing in the whole world is receiving photos of children wearing my Lil Blue Boo dresses! Check out these two fabulous photographers and their itty bitty models:

Olivia of Olivia Hooper Photography photographed her daughter who just turned one in an upcycled LBB birthday dress (you've seen here before on the blog, she photographed the debut of my racerback and ladybug silk screen)

Below is the custom dress on the hanger. I silk screened Olivia's daughter's nickname "CHUBS" on the back of it. I make the "I'm ONE" dresses as birthday dresses but they are sized larger so they can be worn the entire year.

Christa Spera of A Hope and a Wish Photography sent me this beautiful photo of her daughter:

I hand dyed the main part of this dress in a spiral pattern using some upcycled pique fabric and silk screened the citrus images for this dress.

Gorgeous photos. Thank you so much Olivia and Christa!


  1. Stunning photography, kids and dresses! Can you both live at my house please and take family photos spontaneously? ;)

  2. Gorgeous girls ! and gorgeous dresses!

  3. So cute. I love the 'chubs' on the back. Adorable.

  4. Cute dresses, cuter babies!

  5. Love the dresses and the pics.... too cute!

  6. So adorable Love how "E" sucks her finger! she's just precious, great photography ladies, adorable dresses and beautiful little babies!!

  7. your dresses are so cute! also, olivia's daughter is one of my favorite babies, ever.

  8. katie and i think emily chubs is soooo cute! she's our favorite chubby baby!

  9. Oh my, love the chubs on the dress!

  10. Omg...cuteness overload! I think I am going to explode!

    -Leslie @ Bigcraftyblog


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