Monday, April 27, 2009

Please Pray for Lil Diesel

This post has nothing to do with crafting or is about my little doggie who is more precious than any of those to me. We have a little 2 lb Yorkie named Diesel. He will be 8 years old this year. He is so small sometimes I think he could be the smallest dog in the world. 

We didn't buy him this small on purpose....both his parents were around 4 lbs....Diesel just never grew. We've had to protect him from hawks and owls who stalk him from outside. He has special stairs around to help him get on furniture. He gets his teeth cleaned monthly (he has very bad teeth). He has been a very high maintenance dog, and we love him dearly. 

Last year, he was diagnosed with liver disease and has been doing well since I put him on a strict homeopathic diet. The veterinarian wanted to send him to LA to have part of his liver removed (which if you look at his x-ray it is literally the size of a grape) but we didn't think such a small dog could live through that. Lately he has been getting more and more lethargic. Today he wouldn't even get up to go on a walk (but he did eat a little and drink a little). I'm very sad and very worried. Please pray for our sweet lil Diesel! 


  1. We're thinking about Diesel. I hope he'll be ok. I'll tell Finley to send him her loving thoughts, she adores him :)

  2. I'm so sorry Diesel is not feeling well. I pray that he gets well very soon!!!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. My parents have a 9 lb yorkie that just went through a $6000 surgery after being attacked by a strange dog in their backyard.

    After a couple weeks of rest she is back on her feet. I hope the same goes for Diesel!!


  5. Ash, so sad to hear about Diesel, he is so precious (especially once he warmed up to me!) - will be thinking of him!

  6. Bless your poor baby's heart! I will be praying for him. Have you ever checked out Huge forum with great, welcoming people with loads of information about Yorkies.

  7. Thanks everyone for the prayers and thoughts. Diesel barked at the pool guy today which means he is feeling a little better. I just always hope that he will live to be about 16 years old....but I know one day we will have to make a tough decision to let him go. Thanks Emily, I will definitely check out YorkieTalk!

  8. Hello, I am going to keep little Diesel in my prayers! How scary to know the little guy has a liver problem...out of curiosity how did they find this? I have a little guy named gizzy who is a 5 lb yorkie and who is my I can only imagine what your family is going through. The Williams-Smiths will keep Diesel in our hearts!


  9. I just found your blog. How is Diesel? Our first born was also a yorkie, he past away last june, after 10 years. I am trying really hard not buy myself another yorkie for Christmas.


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