Sunday, April 26, 2009

Living in the Desert

Living right smack in the middle of a desert just amazes me. We live in this little oasis surrounded by mountains, sand, tumbleweeds and windmills. It is so different from North Carolina where I grew up. I was sorting through some pictures that I took when I first moved to Palm Desert in 2006 and found these photos: 

Our old house in Indian Wells with the mountains behind it.
It doesn't look like a desert...everything is so lush!

I remember taking this picture because the mountain almost didn't look real. 
It looked like it was just plopped there.

The giraffes at the Living Desert, a mile from my house.

View from the Palm Springs Tram

View of Palm Springs from the top of the Tram.
This 8500 feet above the desert floor and is so nice and cool in the summer.

Our friend George's grape can see the Salton Sea in the distant left.
I would have never guessed anything would grow in the desert, but I guess with enough irrigation anything can! 
By the way, it is harvest time and I LOVE these table grapes!

1 comment:

  1. Hi I am a new reader to your blog..I LOVE all your stuff you make!! So creative..I love crafting!! I am not as great as you though!!

    I just saw this post and I noticed it said you came from North Carolina...Thats where I live now..I have grown up in NC..I love it here!! I live closer to the coast.


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