Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Afternoon Clothes Recycling

Spent some of the afternoon sewing and came up with a cute toddler halter dress recycled from an old boatneck t-shirt of mine.  I'm working on the pattern so stayed tuned for all the instructions! It was a quick sew. 

Original boatneck t-shirt

Front of finished dress 

Back of finished dress

Sienna wearing her new dress (she doesn't pose for cameras unfortunately)

The back of the halter dress

I'm not that happy with the direction of the stripes on the top...I wish I had made them horizontal. Now I need to go dig up another shirt to make a new dress from!


  1. OMG! I love that. One problem though...I can't sew. Maybe I can send a box of old shirts to my mother in law :)

  2. What? The vertical stripes are great again the horizontal, it makes the dress! I see it with bright yellow sandals...and a yellow Ellebows Sienna clippie, of course

  3. Oh, that is so stinkin' cute!! I wish there was fun stuff like this to make for little boys!

  4. You have to be kidding me?! you whipped this up? today! Hello! You rock!! :)
    (love the opposing stripes btw, i wouldn't change a thing!)

  5. I agree - the opposing sites are the best part of the dress. I love it!

  6. I was just going to comment on the stripes, but so many others beat me to it! I love the dress as is!! Can I get one in my size because it's REALLY cute!?

    Oh, and I was like, how cute is the comment from The Cupcake Wardrobe Shop Blog!!! Then I see that it's Mandy! Love the new blog Mandy, can't wait for the shop to open!

  7. Ash, I just showed E your creations and we are both AMAZED by you!!!!! Also, Sienna is the most adorable of all models.

    Will you please teach me how to use a sewing machine?

    Miss you!



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