Thursday, May 21, 2009

Random Tip - Photos before Drywall

If you are renovating a home, building a home or just renovating a room..... before the drywall goes up...... TAKE PHOTOS of what is behind your walls! My framer told me to do this and I can't even tell you what a lifesaver it has been! I've been have this musty smell come out of a few of the light switches and under the bar sink in the kitchen. By posting my question and the photo below on a DIY website, a plumber was able to help me pinpoint what was wrong without me having to tear out all the cabinets! 

Now we will probably have to just cut a small hole. I've used these photos with electricians to find wiring and to check what the framing looked like behind a wall in order to raise a door up. It has saved a TON of headaches. Just wanted to pass the tip along!


  1. Smart tip. I take pics of befores as well, especially of equipment wiring like our tv/stereo system hookups!

  2. Great tip! When a pipe burst in our basement, my husband was hammering through our built in entertainment center to find a valve in the middle of the night, ankle deep in water!


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