Thursday, October 1, 2009

Number two reason I LOVE the fall.....

....feeding the giraffes. Number one reason: it cools off. It was finally cool enough this morning (80 degrees) to come out of heat hibernation and go to our favorite place....the Living Desert. It is a mile down the road and when it is cool I take Sienna almost twice a week. I get exercise and Sienna gets worn out.

Sienna is afraid of the adult giraffes....but not the cute little baby.

We usually only stay about an hour and visit different things each time after the giraffe feeding. Today we visited the animal hospital. Below is "Hootie" the screech owl....he has a neurological disorder and his neck twitches. He's also missing a wing. What a mess.

We always visit the huge train system. Sienna runs around looking for trains and I am amused looking at all the details:

"the wreckage"


"please wash"

On a random note, I think I just found a one-woman-factory for the Sienna t-shirt dress. Seriously, Davida JUST bought the pattern and look how many dresses she has cranked out....I need to learn to sew a little faster ;)


  1. I love the "floozies"! That is freaking hilarious!

  2. Hopefully I'll be able to crank them out too! I'm hoping I'll be able to make at least one, LOL! How does it work if someone buys your pattern? Are they allowed to sell the dresses they make?

  3. I feel you on the heat thing! We've been stuck inside too long! I'm hoping Jax will be cooler when I return.

  4. Cute!! Your little one is just precious. Love the giraffe tongue btw. :D

  5. I so love the Living Desert also. The only thing I do not like is the drive down the mountain on 74.

    Can we say car sick......

    It is so mcuh fun with a bus load of 1st graders down HWY 74, the school the kids go to uses that for a field trip!

    Love it! Love it!

  6. Hi Ashley!
    I like the Living Desert-we have visited a couple of times. I think it is worth it just for the Butterfly exhibit, but I believe that is only in the spring.
    LOVE the t-shirt dresses!

  7. Our garden froze last night! I'm not loving fall. I don't want to give up my shorts and t-shirts yet!!!


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