Saturday, June 6, 2009

New Camera!

Sienna and I have been sick so I haven't been up to many projects or blogging this week. I even had to cancel a trip to San Diego this weekend :( But I did have a great surprise awaiting me yesterday in the mail! My husband bought me the below camera for our anniversary. It is the new Canon T1i

I am a little overwhelmed by it and I am slowly working through the manual but I am SO excited! 

I'll be spending much more time on the Shutter Sisters blog now. Let me know if you have any photography website recommendations!

Update: First photos with my new camera! Yes it is still on "Auto"....


  1. I didn't know you two were sick!! I can't beleive you had to cancel your trip. I'm sorry :-( Elle is finally all better. Get well soon!

  2. How exciting on the camera. I hope you two feel better soon!

  3. I have a Canon too (the Rebel) and LOOOVVVVE it.
    Welcome to the family! :)

  4. I'm a would be photog too...I don't know if you are still on auto or not, but if you have any questions feel free to ask me! My personal/old business blog is :)


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