Friday, September 4, 2009

Embellished Placemat Clutch (A Tutorial)

I've had the same handbag/diaper bag for 2.5 years now, so this is huge. My sister is getting married in November and I was experimenting for some bridesmaid ideas (BTW, she is coming out here next week for the LPGA qualifying....and she has promised to do some guest craft posts!)

Back to the purse: Jessica at Happy Together came up with this Placemat Clutch Tutorial. Here is the one I made today....and it took 30 minutes. That might be a record craft time.

I picked up the placemat at the 99 Cent Store.

I folded it and sewed up both sides. I didn't have to cut anything. I even followed the existing stitch line.

I made a frayed flower out of some brown scrap fabric (R.I.P. frump shirt)........

........and went through my jars of buttons for the perfect "center."

I attached a magnetic clasp (I used a heavy duty one that goes on with metal prongs)......

.......and tested the "volume" potential with my mini notebook and phone. It holds a lot!

My husband loves it so much he thinks I should sell them. So funny...step right up ladies...folded placemats for sale! And I've filed it under OPT: Other People's Tutes.

Update: A tutorial to create the fabric flower attached to the clutch!

By request I put together a quick tutorial showing how I made the fabric flower on the placemat clutch:

Step 1: Cut three long strips of fabric varying in width. Mine were 25 inches long and 3.5 inches, 3.25 inches and 2 inches wide, respectively.

Step 2: Starting with the widest piece I hand stitched along one edge (I secured the thread starting point to the fabric itself). Tip: Use polyester won't break as easily as cotton.

Step 3: I pulled the thread to gather the strip of fabric.....

......and carefully formed it into a spiral, overlapping the gathers carefully. I stitched up and down through the center to secure the fabric.

Step 4: I repeated this process with the next "narrower" strip of fabric and then placed it on top of my other gathered piece and secured it by stitching up and down through the center.

Step 5: Repeat the entire process with the last strip of fabric. Stitch around the center to secure the gathering evenly.

The last thing I did was fray the edges the flower and added a button to the center. Feel free to email me if you have any questions!


  1. What an absolutely LOVELY idea! I just passed up some gorgeous placemats at JCPenneys for a dollar each. Maybe I will go back tomorrow for them...

    (These would be great little Christmas gifts!)

  2. Yours is so sophisticated and beautiful! love it!

  3. I LOVE IT!!! I am totally making one tomorrow!!

    p.s. I didn't know you had a family of golfers. So do I. My husband's family is crazy for it. His brother just turned pro since graduating from BYU and playing on their team all 4 years. And he will be playing in the PGA qualifying sometime this year, too. Crazy!! His name is Nick Killpack, google him. Who is your sister? I want to follow her career:)

  4. That's great! I'm not much of a purse person, but sometimes I just need one. Thanks!

  5. What a neat idea!!! The clutch looks great!

  6. Ok, as someone that used to work in the handbag industry and LOVES purses, this is pretty incredible. I'm shocked that it was made out of a 99 cent placement - shocked!

  7. Seriously..genius! I am now on the place mat hunt.

  8. Move over Martha! You ARE beyond creative!!!

    LOVE IT :)

  9. i wish i could sew, but this is definetly getting filed in the "you will make this one day" folder!! lol

  10. Just found your blog somehow... and LOVE this!!! Can't believe a $0.99 placemat could be so classy!

    Hope ya don't mind me looking around!

  11. SUPER cute and so easy... I am on the hunt for the perfect placemat now!

  12. oh my! so easy! i need to test out this tute.


  13. I LOVE it. And I have SO loved reading your blog over the last few weeks. As soon as I discovered it, I've paid a daily visit and enjoyed every moment! Thanks for your inspiration. I've recently started to repurpose my hubby's old t-shirts into lovely little dresses for my 9 month-old... check out my blog if you'd like to see my handiwork :)

  14. OMG this is so awesome! I want one!!!!!

  15. i have one vintage placemat just calling out for me to make this. oh i love it so!

  16. u r so darn cute!!!!! I love ur posts!!!

  17. So Cute! I can make these! Thank you Ashley!

  18. Love this! I think I'll keep my eye out for a placemat!!!

  19. What a neat idea. Thanks for showning!!

  20. What a neat idea. Thanks for showning!!

  21. Wonderful idea! I hope you don't mind if I feature you on my blog!

  22. Oh my goodness what a simple yet oh so cute and effective idea!!! =) Thanks for sharing!!!

  23. I can't believe it WAS a placemat! I love it, this might be my kinda sewing :)

    Love the frayed flower...

  24. I just bought some really great placemats pretty similar to the ones you used at the DOLLAR STORE! I'm so excited for this really inexpensive project!

  25. Hey Ashley,
    what kind a fabric did you use for the flower? It's hard to tell and I LOVE it so I want to get the same kind! Thanks for the tutorial!

  26. Thanks for another great idea! I found the perfect on sale placemat and gave it a try. I blogged about it here:

    Thanks again!

  27. This is so funny! I was on a placemat frenzy! So I had a bunch of them lying around and thought about a make up bag/clutch! I did with hot glue cause my machine in on the frits! Awesome idea friends! I'm you're newest follower and would love you to be mine too! Much blessings!


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