Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Catching Up

First, and most important, the final tally from all the Lil Blue Boo shop purchases with 100% of the proceeds going to Three Angels Haiti:


All those orders cleaned out my shop and completely overwhelmed me over the weekend with shipping and paperwork....I've never been so happy being swamped. Thank you all so much! My poor clothing rack looks so sad now! (note: for those who know some of my art the painting in the background was a sister painting to the skeleton! It is a large painting of a pelvis......hanging in my dining room.)

Most of my weekend was spent catching up on tagging....

....and shipping.

I have great assistants though.

Sienna spent a lot of time on the easel this weekend...she keeps painting "her families" and her "little brother" (note: she is an only child). I'm not going to try to analyze that. I'm starting to think her technique is a lot more like Picasso than Pollock.....less than a year ago she had the rhythmic floor painting going on.

And finally.....I finished my submission to the final SYTYC challenge. Let's just say I am getting crushed and we should just end the voting today....BUT, I am totally okay with that and I am so happy that Dana is going to win. I voted for hers......


  1. GREAT JOB WITH THE DONATION DRIVE!!! My heart swelled up like the Grinch's when I read that tally. AMAZING JOB. You should be so proud!

  2. That is so awesome! Congrats on such a successful fund raising! And, making it to the final #2 on SYTYC is impressive! Keep up the good work! Love your blog!

  3. That is so wonderful! May you be blessed tremendously for your gift to Haiti!

  4. well I for one love the curtains best...and I'm not trying to suck up!!! Great job on the Haiti donations.

  5. You're awesome! My heart breaks for Haiti.

    And just so you know -- I actually voted for you. I loved the curtains.

    I'm so glad I discovered your blog -- and your patterns! I can't wait for the leggings pattern to come out. :)

  6. i loved Dana's but I loved your even more. I voted for you

  7. Wow, what a total!!! That is amazing, way to go!! And I voted for your curtains, too. I love them, and I really need some in my living room right now! Great job getting so far in the contest. You're such a hard worker, and I'm totally an admirer!

  8. Way to go! That's fabulous and you should be very proud of yourself. I watched something this morning that broke my heart and I immediately thought of all of the people that are helping in ways that are so unconventional, and amazing. Like you guys.
    Sienna is looking adorable as always... HEY, wait a sec, is that a POOL I SEE???? Not. Fair. At. All.

  9. Congrats on the fundraising. that is wonderful. :)

    also...congrats on making it to the finals. Your curtains are beautiful. ♥

    If you find the time and want to see some fun over the top princess overalls come my way. :)

    have a good day. Love your daughter's painting. I can't wait for the weather to get nice around here so my girly can paint outside again.

  10. You are doing such amazing things! I'm just going to beg now for that damask stencil/screenprint design!

  11. Woo-hoo! Great job, Ashley! That's what pushed me to actually order the pattern I'll probably never use! ; ) But, for a great cause why not?

    ANd I loved Dana's, but loved yours even more so you got my vote! Fingers crossed for you!

  12. Ashley, that is fantastic to be donating to the Haiti disaster, well done.
    I love Siennas paintings too. Cooper also thinks he has more siblings than he does! he has another family who live in Indonesia, and a brother who uses a wheelchair and a mum who is having another baby unlike his real mum! lol
    Bron xo

  13. both of your projects are fab and gorgeous.

    but i have to say that yours is one i would actually do! Very inspiring!

  14. Hmm, Id take that to mean its time for a sibling! LOL
    You have been busy, look at that beautiful pile of done-knits. Sure wish some were heading our way.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. I love your kiddo photos just for the outfits! Such a sense of style.

    The younger of my two daughters, who is three, constantly pretends about big brothers--her toy animal games always include a big brother, she sings songs about big brothers, draws pictures of families that include a big brother...and what I am supposed to do to fix that, I do not know.

  17. I totally knew whos was whos when I saw them. I loved them both. I totally love your curtains and I just might have to do it for my inlaws house that way I can stop hunting for the fabric that they will never like :)

  18. Wow....what an amazing total! Great job! That is so generous and thoughtful of you to do the fundraiser!

  19. That is amazing!! What a wonderful way to use your gift!

  20. Well, I VOTED FOR YOU! I just love homemade curtains. I've made all of ours for pretty much the same reasons you have. I've never tried the silk screening though, I have to try it!

  21. That is so wonderful about the donation drive. I'm a firm believer in you reap what you sew/sow! I know you'll be blessed many times over.

    I'm in love with your Rollie Pollie bag. I can't wait to either buy the pattern or see the tutorial. I just love your blog. Thanks for all the ideas and letting us all get to know you a little.


  22. Wow this is amazing! You have done such a wonderful thing raising so much money!


  23. Loved both of your projects, but so voted for yours... I've been trying to figure out a solution for my abnormally LONG window FOREVER! Please share :)

  24. Great idea! I will try to get in on the next one! I got my daughter that same little sewing machine that Sienna has for Christmas. I am having a hard time getting it to work properly though. Any tips?

  25. fabulous blog...really fabulous.
    following you now girl!!


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