Friday, December 4, 2009

Funky Punky & Recycled Knits

Recycled and pieced knits. Love them. A few of my many favorites I've come across out there.....

From Somewhere has been using recycled knits since 1997. How rad is this pieced dress with the bubble skirt from one of their past collections? LOVE the colorblocking. This is my dream outfit. Wish I had the patience to make myself something like this...or anything similar to what they make.

And I am COMPLETELY in LOVE with these recycled knit clothes by Dress Me on Etsy...want to know what Sienna is getting for Christmas? Something store bought! I'm waiting by the mailbox for this (I got a 5/6 so she can wear it longer):

Angela Johnson turns t-shirts into.....ballgowns? Waaaahhhh!

Junky Styling from the UK uses "junky" recycled knits and other fabrics in their collections:

And I could surf Outsapop ALL day: one person's trash is another person's treasure.

And I'm pretty sure the whole obsession started with Punky....check out those serged seams and mismatchy knits.....I SO wanted to be her when I was little.

I rarely post photos from other sources but I've had this post sitting in "edit" mode and some comments on yesterday's post encouraged me to finish it. To all the "meanies" out there, the world is surely big enough for multiple designers to be doing the similar things...everyone has their own unique twist and healthy competition keeps us creative. I'm always on the lookout for a creative void and I love coming up with ways to fill them. It is impossible to hold onto one great idea forever (unless you never share it I guess).

Another thing....I am genuinely happy for people when they succeed at something. I want everyone to be successful. It takes too much energy to be jealous or greedy.

Now.....I am frantically trying to come up with a "snow" themed project due at the end of the day for the SYTYC contest! Hope this isn't my last week!


  1. I WANTED to be Punky too! My mom hated my fashion sense, she said if it matched I refused to wear it! Totally love the ball gown, I'd totally wear it. Wanna whip me one up for Mardi Gras? I have two boys, so your dresses are no good to me, ever think about making crazy knit pants? The more stripes, the better!

  2. Oh, I miss Punky!! Love all of these designers! Just goes to show how each individual can put their own special touch on a technique that has been done for years. Oh, and Elle is going to want to borrow Sienna's new dress when she grows out of it, haha! It's so cute!

  3. I love this post! The pieced together knits thing is something that's been sitting in the back of my mind for a while now! I just haven't taken the time to do anything with it. It's lovely though!

  4. Great finds!...and what little girl didn't want to be Punky? She was so cool!

  5. WOW that is a crazy ball gown! Awesome.
    And if no one took inspiration from others, the craft world would be a really, really dull place.

  6. So in love with that ball gown. If I had known about that dress years ago for prom, I so would have worn that instead of the hot pink beaded dress I wore! :)

    I love the mismatched fabrics, and the serged seams!

  7. hey, yeah, gawrsh, your designs look an awful lot like a technique that's been around for a bazillion years and done by a bazillion different people ;D
    I wonder if there's people out there totally mad because their friend totally invented ribbon hair clips and people all over the internets are totally stealing it?
    Or pompoms?! FTW, guys. Stop stealing pompoms.
    PS Zellers also sells things with reversed serged seams and matchy-mismatching knits? Somebody get on that hate mail thing.

  8. How much do you wanna bet that PR has a recycled tshirt challenge? Look at all those possibilities!

  9. Wow "Sarah" ....most people would delete this comment but I think I'll leave it up to show exactly the reason I DIDN'T include Courtney's stuff: sadly the "attack dogs" have completely turned me off from her. I DID however point people to the previous post and they have all read your comments with the link you Courtney's creations are not some big secret. I have nothing to hide.
    You must think I went out the day she introduced her “turtle” print (which I suppose is what you are are referring to), bought screen printing supplies, created the design and sewed up all those dresses? Really? The real story is I have been lucky enough to gain an amazing sponsor who sends me supplies based on requests and project ideas that are discussed well in advance. I bet Courtney and I were both at home printing at the exact same time over Thanksgiving. ….funny how things work.

    Anyways....your comments are very accusatory and very unprofessional. I don’t think anyone would ever confuse my clothing with Courtney’s. There is room on Etsy for more than one type of serged and screen printed children’s clothing, just as there is room for many similarly created booties or bibs or hair clippies or apron halter pillowcase dresses.

    While I can appreciate your energy around trying to prevent copying of your “friend”, please remember that nothing in art is new and there are many designers doing very similar things.
    I hate to moderate comments but I might have to if the attacks continue.

    Have a wonderful weekend. I’m off to watch a movie with my sweet hubby.

  10. I'm sorry to continue this debate, but "Sarah," CourtneyCourtney did not invent serging, piecing knits together or screen printing. Neither did Ashley.

    These are skills, not property. You can’t own a style. I think it would be very arrogant to assume ownership of a style and kind of disrespectful to all the designers we borrowed ideas from to create our own style.

    I feel your comments are bordering on harassment. Also, instead of making CourtneyCourtney look good, you are only making her look bad. I respect her as a designer and love her creations, however your comments have left me with a really negative image of the brand now.

    Ashley, keep doing what you do.

  11. Sarah: perhaps take a wander into Gap, Old Navy, etc. You may notice that they also have screen printed knits, and exposed seams. It's not so very unusual! Exposed seams have been around for a few years now. More than five for sure, because I remember convincing my now-husband to buy a knit zipped sweater with exposed serged seams when we were first dating. :) (and then this year he stopped wearing it so I took the sweater in on the sides and wear it myself, ha!)

    My daughter has a few storebought-clothing that bear some resemblance to both courtneycourtney and Little Blue Boo's looks. Each piece is unique, but the concepts behind them are not so uncommon!

  12. (oh, except you have to wait for spring/summer to find those looks, they don't tend to show up in the winter)

  13. Ashley I LOVE that you are so willing to share everything to do with all of us! I started sewing clothes for my girls because of your blog. You are what creating is all about. You create it and then you share it so everyone else can add their own personal spin to it and then you are excited when you see what everyone has done. I'm so glad there are people out there like you!

  14. Wow. I love you guys. I didn't even NEED to respond to "Sarah" which I am sure is not her real name...which is just a little unfair don't you think?

    Anyways, don't worry about it. People like that just fuel my fire to create bigger and better things for all of you. I start to go on overdrive.....




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